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Prototype Box

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Tiffany Branum
Tiffany Branum's picture
Joined: 04/06/2016

Hi there!

I want to send my game to reviewers and have a prototype ready, but I'm wondering what information I need on a demo prototype box? It's not being sold yet and is for show/review, are there requirements or recommendations still for this situation? Please differentiate too if it is required or something you'd recommend.

Assistance appreciated, thank you!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
As close as the final product as possible

One thing you need to consider is that "reviewers" will use or request artwork for the game such as the BOX COVER. If they are going to do videos of your game, well you might want a box that looks more "professional" than say something that is not as appealing.

If you send your game for written reviews, they too may ask for things such as card samples, component pictures, etc.

One thing I failed to do sufficiently accurately is BRANDING. You must do a good job at presenting the brand (your LLC) as the publisher of the game. I was under the impression that this was NOT required - but some reviewers have a policy to say the "Name of the game by publisher/LLC".

My whole strategy is banking on the GAME'S NAME - not the company producing it. Perhaps this is wrong - but I'm not interested in becoming a PUBLISHER. I just want to design a few cool and good games. And my branding will be in those games - not my company.

I'm also a very hobbyist designer. What I hope to become popular are the NAMES of my games not who designed or published them.

So yeah, make sure your BOX COVER is as professional looking as possible. Just a heads up - I just have gone through the process with 10 reviewers.

Note: Plan for MORE reviewers than normal - because not everyone may respond, not everyone may review your game (for whatever the reasons). I had sent prototypes to 10 reviewers and I have about 5 reviews...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also your RULES...

You want your RULE BOOK to also have nice artwork... I changed my game's logo recently and it really bothers me that on my videos people see the OLD logo... But the change is good for consumers who will be having a more professional logo than the original one...

(Which was difficult to put on the SIDE of a box).

Tiffany Branum
Tiffany Branum's picture
Joined: 04/06/2016
Awesome, thanks for your

Awesome, thanks for your advice and sharing the experiences!

radioactivemouse's picture
Joined: 07/08/2013

Tiffany Branum wrote:
Hi there!

I want to send my game to reviewers and have a prototype ready, but I'm wondering what information I need on a demo prototype box? It's not being sold yet and is for show/review, are there requirements or recommendations still for this situation? Please differentiate too if it is required or something you'd recommend.

Assistance appreciated, thank you!

Wait, so you have a game ready, but it's a prototype? And you want to send your game to reviewers? I think that's a little premature, to be honest.

Are you trying to setup a Kickstarter? Even if you're thinking of a Kickstarter, you need to be way past a prototype before you send the game to a reviewer. Even on top of that, most reviewers will charge for their "review", which is not really a review than an overview of your product.

To me, that's just trying to artificially buy an audience.

I don't know what you've done as far as testing, but from the information I'm getting, you need to test more. Are you going to conventions? Game Nights? PnP? Blind play testing/ As you continue to test, you'll see what you need to send to reviewers. The rulebook needs to be able to read and understood without you guiding them; even I had to go through that process. The rule of thumb is that they should be able to understand your game and play it like you would play it without having you around.

But until I get more information on the game, I'm just assuming; I could be right or I could be wrong, these are just my thoughts.

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
About reviews.

Well, truth be told, not every reviewer charges for the review. Rahdo, for example, doesn't.

However, reviewers may refuse to review your game based on the pitch alone. I.e. if they feel that it's 'not their kind of game'. This is especially common for those who do not charge for the review.

Average for the paid review is ~ $100-200. But this does not guarantee you a positive review.

Most paid reviewers will not accept payment and won't review your game, unless they like it. However, yhey are more likely to at least try it.

Some reviewers would refuse to review a prototype.

All in all, I agree with radioactivemouse.

Have you considered making a short video about your game? We might be able to give you some advises if you do.

Something like Gabe did here:

Tiffany Branum
Tiffany Branum's picture
Joined: 04/06/2016
To clarify, the game is

To clarify, the game is complete but not being sold yet. It's been tested and played locally. I also have an appointment with a videographer this week to show the how to's of the game.

When I say prototype, I just mean I have the game, but it isn't being sold yet. Not until my Kickstarter begins in two months, and I'd like reviewers to take a stab at it. I have a list of about 15 I am considering going to for reviews, hoping a couple will have something by June.

This inquiry is more about specifics on the box - but I'm thinking I'll be fine. Got the name of game/company, designer, description, artists listed, timeframe, number of players, and my website on there. That should be fine for a prototype, I won't have the ages listed yet because I still need to get it legally tested for being "all ages." I'm not actually sure how to do that piece of it.

Tiffany Branum
Tiffany Branum's picture
Joined: 04/06/2016
I'll review the link

I'll review the link regarding Gabe for ideas on this week's video. :) Thanks!

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