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Version 1.20.2 of nanDECK is available for download

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nand's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

Version 1.20.2 of nanDECK is available for download, this is a list of the new features:

- New LOG directive
- Added O flag in FONT directive for hollow text
- Added support for ods files in LINK directive
- Error highlight in editor (1)
- New features in Virtual Table (2)

Download site (with an update version of the reference):

(1) Error highlight in editor

In the older version, when the validate process finds an error, it stops, and reports it. In this version the error is highlighted with white-on-black colors (they can be changed in the Config) and the validation continues, if you have enabled the auto-build feature, the card is created although there are errors.

(2) New features in Virtual Table

- Commands on a deck

click: select deck
double click: draw a card face up
shift double click: draw a card face down
right click: rotate the deck 90°
resize: resize deck image
shift resize: resize deck image without keeping size ratio
ctrl resize: resize deck image from the center

- Commands on a card

click: select card
double click: turn card face down/face up
right click: rotate the card 90°
resize: resize card image
shift resize: resize card image without keeping size ratio
ctrl resize: resize card image from the center

- Various

ctrl click: pick all the cards and the decks under the cursor and create a new deck
mouse wheel: zoom table

On the right of the window you can now show all the cards of the deck (with the "Display deck" button), select the position of the drawn card (and rotate it), set the zoom of the table, show the full card (with the "Card preview" button) and show the canvas (the card n° zero) as a background image.

Joined: 10/15/2014
Thank you!

Thank you!

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