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What font should I use part 2: The nominees

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Evil ColSanders
Evil ColSanders's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010

The image in question:

So a few weeks ago, I asked you all on proper readable typeface and got a lot of great answers. (I ended up going with LibreBaskerville which is very close to MtG) But now I have another minor problem: The font for the stats. I really only care on how the number "1" looks. As silly as it sounds, I want it to look like a number 1. 2 and 3 are easy to make out. Do you like the white color with drop shadow and black stroke? Any other comments on the look or functionality of the card? Do I put Range 0 when it's melee? Would I replace the word Range with Melee if there isn't a range?

funamite's picture
Joined: 12/01/2016
I like Target's or Damage's

I like Target's or Damage's 1. The white number with black stroke and drop shadow looks good. It pops and makes it easier to see.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Would improve the illustration's size

Evil ColSanders wrote:
...Do I put Range 0 when it's melee? Would I replace the word Range with Melee if there isn't a range?

OR you could do BOTH: Range and Melee have a "range". For example a Short Sword could be a "1", a Bastard Sword could be a "2" and a Long Sword could be a "3"!!!

Evil ColSanders wrote:
Any other comments on the look or functionality of the card?

Don't take this the wrong way - but the "illustration" is TOO SMALL. Your card focuses too much on the "Labels" and they are grossly taking too much card space. Same goes for the EMPTY SPACE. (Take this with a grain of salt)

I would not use the WORDS, instead I would use a "small icon" of Target (Crosshairs), Damage (Blood drop), Range (Bow)/Melee (Sword). And then I would put the numbers next to the icons.

This would about DOUBLE the size of the image. Granted the proportions are not correct - I'm sure you can work on that.

I would delete the "Banner" (Attack/Action) and replace everything BELOW "Shield Bash" Header with a "rectangular" area for the illustration/artwork.

Not sure about the scroll either - a lot of wasted space.

But if you "refine" the illustration area - that should look way more POSITIVE and allow you to feature your characters better. I know, I know it's LANDSCAPE and your characters are portrait...

That's my 5 cents (Canadian Interest...) LOL

Evil ColSanders
Evil ColSanders's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
Unfortunately, all melee in

Unfortunately, all melee in the game is 0 with just varying damage.

In the old card design, the illustration took up half the card and target/damage/range took up 2 rows in the text box. I truly did want the whole sword, crosshair, etc but I couldn't find a way to make it look visually appealing as well as functional. I can't have a free-floating icon. Both the image and number need housing. I was thinking putting the images in the wooden shield and the the numbers in the box. I basically said, "aww F- it" and just made words.

You want it like this?

| .image. |
| .image. |
()2 ( )1 ()1
[ .action. ]
| textbox |
| textbox |
| textbox |

I understand that lets the illustration go from end to end but as you've noticed, every picture is portrait. I also like the cleanliness of the Labels and numbers being lined up on top of each other. It's much easier to read. I'm okay with the wasted space because, aside from the extensive text, there's really nothing to put on the card. I will be giving the icon thing a second shot. I'll post an image when I finish it.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
More like this:

()2 .image.
()1 .image.
()1 .image.
| textbox |
| textbox |
| textbox |

Something like that. Have the Icons and number FLOAT over the image...

Evil ColSanders
Evil ColSanders's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010

There you go. How's that? Which Range icon is best? Anything else?

BHFuturist's picture
Joined: 11/01/2008
Just some thoughts

I think for "range" the only real choice is the bow. Swords are more of a melee or generic attack icon so change to the sword icon and word Melee when Range is not used. The main goal is that the type of attack is clear at a glance.

For the bow icon, I think it should either fit totally inside the circle without touching the ring (the same as the other icons) or have just the whole "tail" and "arrow head" outside the ring of the circle. Either should make the icon feel more balanced. So, if you go bigger with the bow use sword #2 and sword #1 if you go with smaller... to keep the two in balance if you hold up the two cards side-by-side.

Also, the tiny banner that reads "Attack Action" might be better if it was at least 40-60% of the width of the card title "Cleave". Just a thought, but right now it feels too small for the horizontal space it is given so high on the card. This will make the text boxes progressively get smaller as your eyes go down the card until you reach the text block.

"Cleave" 95% card width
"Attack action" 40-60% card width
"Ability" keep the same size or make it the "max size" needed for the longest text that will ever be put in the box for the set of cards, and leave it that size on every card that has the same box.

Another option is to remove the tiny banner and just make those words sub-script under "cleave" in the same box... just brainstorming.

Overall the card is looking very nice. So, in the end if you like it and your playtesters get the point then you don't really "need" to change anything. Keep up the great work!


Evil ColSanders
Evil ColSanders's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
Final changes

Cleave font size will not change to ensure uniformity among all cards. I may even go down a size to help with extra long titles. This runs on the same idea you have with the "Ability" box. Thinking of changing the word to SKILL. The words are interchangeable in my game. The only other word that would go in there is SPELL.

Went over with several testers and they all agree the icon representing "Range" should not change, even if it is melee. Either rules will explain "0 = Melee" or melee will be written in place of the number.

I'm glad you like the look! We're all pretty happy with it too.

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