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Experience with Family Pastimes games?

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Joined: 07/27/2008

I'm in the very early stages of designing a couple of co-operative games, and I've recently come across this company in Canada called "Family Pastimes" that manufactures exclusively co-operative games, for what seem to me to be rather interesting ideological reasons.

I'd like to get a few of their games for 'research and comparison' purposes, but I notice that their stuff doesn't seem to have registered much buzz on the Geek or anywhere else. Does anyone out there have any experience playing "Break a Leg," 'Eagle Eye Detective Agency," or any of their other adult co-op games? I'd love to hear your general impressions, if so.

Joined: 07/24/2008
this article discusses a game

this article discusses a game made by family past time games.

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
"I'm in the very early stages

"I'm in the very early stages of designing a couple of co-operative games, and I've recently come across this company in Canada called 'Family Pastimes'"

You're designing co-operative games to pitch to other companies, right? I get the impression that Family Pastimes does not accept outside submissions.

Joined: 07/27/2008
You're designing co-operative games to pitch to other companies,


Joined: 07/27/2008

Interesting article. The writer seems to be against co-operative games as a matter of ideology, arguing that they're to "nicey nicey" to be fun, even for the wee ones. One gets the sense that a few rounds of Arkham Horror played under dim lights with a Wagner CD spinning in the background might change his mind.

Joined: 07/24/2008
Glad you found the article

Glad you found the article interesting - you will find it, and an article written by the founder of family pastime games, in the
archives of BGDF:

getting started / articles elswhere online / games journal archive.

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
lordgoon wrote: but I notice

lordgoon wrote:
but I notice that their stuff doesn't seem to have registered much buzz on the Geek or anywhere else.

If you look at the ratings at BGG they are low, low games get no buzz.

Family pastimes pumped out an amazing 8 titles all by the same designer who apparently also runs the company. Running a business is a more then full time job and we all know how long it takes to develop a game in your spare time. I imagine the problem with his games is they get very little development past the initial concept. Gamers are picky and will find any and all flaws in a game, that’s just the nature of the gamers mind. His games sell to non-gamers so for Family Pastimes this is not an issue.

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