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Branding add ons

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 01/06/2009

We've slowing been introducing game cards to Pocket Sports. Mostly to deal with the strenuous effort of using a pen & paper for scoring!

We now have custom card sleeves with our logo on the back.

Check out these bad boys! All about that 'branding' *drops mic*

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
You are...

The man "with a plan"! You are right "branding" is important. But your name "Pocket Sports" just sounds like you've been around for many, many, years... People can relate to the BRAND!

Custom sleeves is a cool addition. Especially with the marketing value that those sleeves afford.

I'm not going to be "tough on you", but you know how some people *dislike* dice games... The whole "the game is playing you"... I disagree and we've talked about other dice projects.

I think dice are a great GATEWAY form of game. And your Pocket Sport games are very accessible. Keep up the great work - you deserve the recognition!

Cheers Hamish!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And by "recognition"

... I mean a LOT of MOOLAH! :D

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