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Fingerball Combat Games (weird eBay find)

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Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015

I just had to share this:

I find it fascinating. Assuming that it works, it is quite an impressive battery operated prototype. The broken English and bizarre presentation make me wonder if it is a labor of love by an eccentric artisan or outsider art by a crazy person, which makes me all the more intrigued. It makes me wish that I lived in Nebraska, since it is a pick-up only listing.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I have got to say...

Soulfinger - that is the weirdest looking "thing" (I don't even know if it's a game or not)... Pickup only because it must be fragile you "Alien Mutant Champion" (you need to zoom into the image to get it)! ;)

Also says it's a "prototype"... One HELL OF A PROTOTYPE! For what, I'm not certain the other images look like a foosball table more than a labyrinth.

But definitely "out there"! :D

Update: maybe you put baby crabs in those tiny cages and watch the "game" come to life! Hahaha...

Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015
I think those cages are just

I think those cages are just part of the exterior of the game. If you look at the other photos, the actual game is even stranger. It looks like it maybe works like a two player pinball/foosball amalgam. There are bumpers that represent aliens, which are triggered in some way by buttons. Then there are the two action figures. On one hand, this thing has all of the hallmarks of having been designed by a crazy person. On the other hand, it resembles those lovingly handcrafted games that you used to be able to find alongside the automated fortune teller at boardwalk carnivals. I fear and admire it, which I suppose makes this game the textbook definition of awesome.

Joined: 01/06/2009
How many fingers were lost in

How many fingers were lost in this game?

Joined: 03/30/2015
Even just reading the description...

I think this is the work of a crazy person. The thing that baffles me the most is that this is apparently a movie tie-in.

"Notice: This board game space is part Screenplay for a movie "The Medallion of Mutants Worlds!!"

Green Berets and Mutant Space Dragons... I want to see this movie now!

Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015
My hope is that the game will

My hope is that the game will turn out to be a functional time machine or have some magical effect, like Jumanji or the Zoltan machine in Big. I bet when you play it, the monster is released from the game, but the Green Beret comes to life as well to help you stop it.

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