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I wasn't dead... I was only sleeping. :)

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InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

Hey y'all! It's been a long time since I've been here regularly. I hope to be able to make more time to hang out with y'all again, :)

I'll admit my post here has a "hidden agenda" – My fiancée and I are about to launch a KS campaign to re-print the Isle of Doctor Necreaux (You may recall that the first edition got beaten out for a 2010 Gold Origins Award by a game about monkeys flinging poop at each other. No? Must just be me, then.). I'd like permission to post the press release to the Press Release forum. I totally understand if y'all aren't cool with that, since I haven't been 'round in a long, long time.

Unrelated: How y'all doing?

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