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For the love of Spock

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hello everybody,

Just wanted to attract your attention to a Documentary Kickstarter entitled "For the love of Spock"!

Here is the Kickstarter link:

I'm just posting because I think it's a noble venture and I truly hope Adam reaches his goal of $600,000 for the documentary.

Anyhow if you like Star Trek or want to contribute to help a legend be honored, please consider backing this Kickstarter.

Cheers all!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I hope he makes it...

Well I decided to pledge at the $35.00 levels which includes a digital bundle and will allow me to view the documentary before it actually makes it to the BIG SCREEN... Which is a cool perk in my mind!

If anyone was a fan of Star Trek, The Next Generation or the Original series, I would highly suggest you contribute to this project. I'm sure Adam will get more backers - but he still has a fair bit to make and he needs all the help any of you can give...

Live long and prosper.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Only 7 more days to go...

Well it looks like there are only 7 days before the end of this Kickstarter.

Adam is asking backers to see if anyone else is interested in his project. So I am posting yet another time, asking if there is anyone who is interested in this documentary about "Spock".

If you have a few extra dollars consider backing Adam's project... Maybe getting a FREE advanced preview of the documentary is a worthwhile perk at only $35.00!

Live Long And Prosper (LLAP)!

Robinxen's picture
Joined: 06/21/2015
Wish I Could

This is something really worth backing, I just wish I actually had the funds to do so. Ah the joys of student life.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Trending towards 600k

Well the projections are close. Adam still needs about 90k to make it... And with only 3 days, it's going to be very tight. Remember $35 gets you advanced viewing of the documentary.

@Soulfinger: you can be sure that Adam will feature the Bilbo Baggins song! Hehehe.

Update: Only about $65k left to make in 3 last days... I think it's possible - but it will need a last minute boost! ;)

Note: If find it STRANGE that there are only +7,000 Trekkies?! I mean there has got to be a least a million if not more Trekkies...! I can't believe that "Exploding Kittens" has more appeal (50+ cards in a box) than a highly valued documentary about Spock and Leonard Nimoy.

Exploding Kittens had "219,382" backers! REALLY?!?! And a Star Trek documentary only has about "7,386"... How does any of that make any sense?!?!

Update 2: Did I mention that the documentary will be narrated by Zachary Quinto, none other than Mr. Spock himself in the "Star Trek: Into Darkness" movie...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Goal achieved

I just wanted to tell everyone that the $600k goal was achieved and the documentary will be made.

Thanks to anyone who spread the word or who contributed towards this project.


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