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Greetings from Los Angeles

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NRL's picture
Joined: 04/14/2018

Hi all,

My name is Nathan, and I work in computer games as a writer, but I've started getting really into playing and designing board games lately, and so started hunting on-line for a community. So glad to have found you!

I am here particularly because I'm hoping to find some like minded folks in the LA area to playtest with. I would love to help other people playtest their games and of course playtest mine as well.

I have two games at a testable level, and one very close. Just need to do some printing.

Looking forward to reading through the forums and making new friends!



Joined: 04/08/2012
Glad to have you here.

Welcome to BGDF. You’ve found a great community of game designers of all walks of designing. From beginner to expert. Hope to read up one day about your designs and read about your thoughts and creativity of game design and story telling.


Welcome once again.

Bows respectively.

NRL's picture
Joined: 04/14/2018
Thanks, Stormyknight! Looking

Thanks, Stormyknight! Looking forward to learning and sharing.

Joined: 02/05/2018


I'm in the LA area as well and seem to be at the same stage as you are in terms of just getting started jumping into playtesting. I'd be up for doing a playtest exchange when you're ready.

Also, there's a Toluca Lake playtest group you may want to consider joining called "First Play LA". They're on (try this URL: They organize an open house designer event just about every month that you could attend. It's very well organized, lots of friendly, positive, helpful people. I got some great feedback there at the last event. Both designers and players attend. What I've found is that the feedback you get from strangers and random people at these kinds of events is often much more useful than the feedback you will get from your family or the people you normally play games with, because they're just not objective.


NRL's picture
Joined: 04/14/2018
Thanks, Jason!

I have just signed up with First Play LA. It looks like exactly what I'm looking for.

I would be happy to meet up for a playtest trade. Are you anywhere near either Gamehaus in Glendale or Geeky Teas in Burbank? PM me and we'll sort it out!

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