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The new kid on the block

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Joined: 04/21/2012


I'm just quickly saying hello to everybody here. I'm just getting into board gaming but I already started designing one of my own - well, not just by myself but with the help of a couple of friends. I registered here to 1) look for advices when I need one, 2) learn what my peers and more experienced game designers are doing at the moment - and hopefully get inspired of some of those ideas and 3) just have a good time learning new stuff about games :)

Like I said, right now I'm designing my first real board game (I remember doing a couple when I was just a child but I don't really think they count). I actually have a problem with one aspect of it right now but I guess I'm going to make another post about it soon enough. The game is a fantasy/adventure(/horror) themed, kind of half co-operative and half doing-your-own-thing. It has a big emphasis on narration and has A BUNCH of cards. It's still in the early stages but I have a goal of finishing it this year.

My favourite games at the moment are Arkham Horror and 7 Wonders - and Munchkin's, it's also a lot of fun! As you learn to know my taste a little big, I would be happy if you'd suggest other games I might enjoy. But I think this is enough of me right now. Hello, and nice to meet you everybody!

AlduinSlayer's picture
Joined: 01/21/2012

Hello, and welcome. I don't really have an additional board game suggestions though. Maybe I could suggest mine when their published? :P

Avianfoo's picture
Joined: 01/31/2012
Greetings and welcome. Try

Greetings and welcome.

Try this Geeklist at Board Game Geek Especially #9. Some good recommendations in there. ;)

SithPenguin's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012

If you like "big" games, you can't go wrong with Twilight Imperium. But good luck finishing a game in a day. Still, it's an awesome experience (especially when the "execution" card comes up during a political round)! Warrior Knights is similar, but with a medieval theme.

Munchkin is good, but Cutthroat Caverns is even better. "You can not survive without teamwork; You can not win without betrayal!" Cosmic Encounter is another good one to for backstabbing friends in the name of victory!

7 Wonders is good, but we've found that in smaller groups, it is too easy for someone building the science cards to dominate. Prefer Race to the Galaxy, but 7 Wonders is still in my top 30.

avalaunch's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Hello! Welcome to the

Hello! Welcome to the forums.

poppijoni wrote:

My favourite games at the moment are Arkham Horror and 7 Wonders - and Munchkin's, it's also a lot of fun! As you learn to know my taste a little big, I would be happy if you'd suggest other games I might enjoy. But I think this is enough of me right now. Hello, and nice to meet you everybody!

What do you like about those games? The 3 you listed are pretty varied on theme, playing time, and mechanics. Have you tried Dominion? Race for the Galaxy?

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