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Sharing my Ideas and Brainstorming?

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Jefe's picture
Joined: 04/16/2012

Hi all,

Sorry for the tentative nature of this question post.

I've been working on a meaty euro-style strategy game with a buddy of mine for about 4 months now. We've gone through several iterations of prototyping and have had a few play-tests to start ironing out questions of balance and playability.

I'm quite comfortable with the direction the game is going at this point, and was thinking about exposing the idea a little to gather some constructive feedback and impressions from outside my personal group of friends. I just wonder if that is appropriate and cool here on these forums, and/or at what stage that would best be done.

I have tentatively themed the game, and done some design work for it with my tyro photo-chop skills (I'm a visual thinker, so I need pretty to get motivated), but at this point I still consider the theme and some of the mechanics to be dynamic at best. There may be ongoing changes as we play-test more, and there may be additions or deletions of rules, mechanics, structures, etc...

Also, I've been reading through Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim's blog (Belfort's designers - Thanks!) quite heavily and have been influenced and motivated by their 'steps' posts. I was also thinking about sharing some initial outlines for sales-sheets, rules drafts and whatnot here.

Again, I've read some of this going on over the past weeks, and I don't mean to be hesitant, but don't want to break any as-yet un-encountered rule of etiquette for this sort of sharing.

What say you all? Should I dive in and get going, or wall-flower longer?

starflier's picture
Joined: 01/09/2009
Make it so Number One

I'd say go for it! The absolute worst that can happen is people ignoring you...

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
starflier wrote:I'd say go

starflier wrote:
I'd say go for it! The absolute worst that can happen is people ignoring you...

Im fairly sure the worse thing includes dismemberment but go for it anyways.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Welcome! I'd say go for it.


I'd say go for it. Post either on the New Game Ideas forum or start a Game journal for your game.

You will usually find at least one or two members interested enough in your game to start a dialog and provide useful feedback and ideas for your game, in addition to several others who will provide feedback on specific topics or areas of your design.

A Game Journal will also help you gather all (or most) of the posts regarding your game in one place, which in turn helps other people to get acquainted with it, gives you an easy place to point anyone interested in helping you see how the game has evolved over time, and gives other BGDFers a place where to leave feedback.

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