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Shipwreck Salvage 2.0

It has been over 6 months since I have done anything game design related, and I finally had the mind and will to sit back down and look at the rules I wrote up for this game. What a complicated mess! If I designed the game as I originally envisioned it - it would be an over-simulated monster and unplayable. I spent a couple of hours today hacking away at it and I think I have something playable now. It's funny how time can give you a fresh perspective on game design.

With my repeated failure (in my eyes) with CR, I am finally starting to understand the nature of simplicity. If I would compare the mechanics I am looking at right now with other games I would compare them to Notre Dame (card-passing) meets Imperial (stock-holding) with a unique method of movement and discovery of shipwrecks using cards only. I am eager to get a prototype made so I can get it tested.

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut