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Cool artwork and design on

Cool artwork and design on these, "Princess" at the top of the card is spelled "Princesse" however.

Bilingual cards

3ddevine wrote:
Cool artwork and design on these, "Princess" at the top of the card is spelled "Princesse" however.

Thanks and no it's not a spelling mistake, the text at the top is in French... My cards are bilingual. So the English on the Left and French on the top.

So now you know how to say "Princess" in French: Princesse! Damn, my cards are educational too!

Oh thats cool, I'm sorry I

Oh thats cool, I'm sorry I didn't catch on to that. The princess is the only one I zoomed in on to read well enough. Sorry about that

Tres belle

Nice design. Clear and good-looking art.

Belle princesse, mais j'espere que mon education en Francais est finit.

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image | by Dr. Radut