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Playtest game board

Playtest game board


Test board

Here's the first pass at the game board...this would be a typical layout after about 6 rounds, at an average of 5 paraders added per round. As you can see, the natural inclination is to grow your parade towards the center, so the lines quickly run up against one another. Of course the Objective Cards may prevent this, but this seems to be the average path players take.

Those in the middle are more thwarted by those on the outside, which only run up against one on average. This makes the game a bit unbalanced, as who would want to start from Decatur or Rampart if the odds are they'll get squeezed between 2 parade lines?

Perhaps the board should grow to a size at which lines don't run up against one another so easily? I have another board layout which is more square, while keeping the same number of streets. The number of player spaces however increases dramatically, from 402 to 558. The layout in the image features 168 horizontal spaces and 234 vertical. The "square" board features 246 horizontal and 312 vertical, so not perfectly square, but improved. Adding a third row to Bourbon Street would make it 287 horizontal/312 vertical, further improving the starting player distances.

I want the game to feel like a party, with just a little take-that as players may steal paraders from one another. Still not clear how exactly this happens (currently my best thought is to integrate this into the "cash-in" mechanic of playing First Line card combinations to gain a particularly loud Brass combo and draw all Musicians on that street to your line, etc. This would be marked on one Brass card, combine with others to trigger its effect).

I should add that I've incorporated a rule that player's lines must always maintain at least 1 space between them, simply to tell them apart! If 2 run into one another, it could easily be forgotten whose paraders are whose, and who is going which way! Seemed like a simple enough fix for that...

Still lots to do...but I figured you guys may like to see where I'm at in the design!

This looks really cool...

I like the direction you are going with this game... It looks real cool!

As far as the sizing goes - you're the one who can determine which dimension works best - by playtesting different sizes.

The fundamental game mechanics remind me of "Ticket To Ride" (TTR)... I can see some of that as inspiration for this game (I could be wrong - but I see some similarities).

Just like TTR you can "cut-off" your opponent from their train route goals. Perhaps you can introduce something like "Victory Streets". Okay so the name of it sucks (you can find a better name). Basically the concept is where your paraders MUST go onto street "X" if they want to win the game...

Obviously this can affect where they start the game... I don't know how you plan to score the game but here is MY TIP: make the HEAD of a parade line a "WHITE" meeple. As you move your line, you move the "Leader" meeple. That could help better visualize possible collisions.

Another inspiration for this game looks to be the "Snake" video games. I see the same trying to box your opponent without boxing yourself... A bit of that seems to be going on also.

But all in all this looks to be an "interesting" game. This type of game might make a FUN PARTY game. Granted you can't have too many players - but still 8 players (=4 couples) makes for a GOOD gaming group...

Best of luck with your game!

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image | by Dr. Radut