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WTactics: Bound by Love

WTactics: Bound by Love


Words not Symbols

as a game point, I would use full words instead of symbols. E.g "less than or equal to" instead of "<=" words are less confusing, and some people read these symbols wrong.


Yes when designing something you must make it simple so the simplest person can understand. It can get frustrating at times :)

I agree on <= being

I agree on <= being unconventional to anyone that isn't a programmer, while it's quite common in code & scripts. What it should have displayed instead is ≤, but at the time I assembled the card I didn't know how to easily create that sign with my keyboard short of copy & past. = P

I fear your criticism is probably correct, even if I would have the correct sign in place... which is kind of frightening, I mean, isn't it something that 10-year olds learn? = P But yeah, it doesn't help the player in the end if he/she doesn't understand the sign...

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image | by Dr. Radut