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Free Paper & Chipboard Products for Game Designers - (ONLY November 8th @ 8am-5pm CT)

The Game Crafter is giving away a bunch of miscellaneous paper and chipboard products because we don’t need them. We think game designers will love using these for prototyping and it’s a much better option than just sending them to recycling! (We will be bringing a bunch of other blank stuff to give away at Protospiel Madison too! So be sure to get your tickets to go to that.)

All products are in good condition they just don’t meet our very specific requirements. You can see some photos in our official announcement on our news blog at

Most chipboard and paper products are 12x18" in size, but there are some other sizes. We also have blank game boards in both 4 panel (Trivial Pursuit Size) and a larger 6 panel.

All products will be available November 8th from 8am-5pm CT only. Once they are gone they’re gone and anything not picked up by 5pm will be recycled.

The Game Crafter is located at 2609 Seiferth Rd, Madison, WI 53716.


Update: All Gone!

Hey everyone! WOW, so our free paper & chipboard components announcement yesterday was so popular that we’re already OUT OF EVERYTHING! There was a mob of hungry game designers at our shop right at 8am! Apparently people like free prototyping components.
We don’t have any additional free stuff to give away at this time.
We wanted to announce this across all our social media channels so that you don’t waste your time coming to our shop now. We hope most of you were able to get some free stuff!

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blog | by Dr. Radut