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Self-publishing platforms

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Fayzwel's picture
Joined: 06/18/2012

Hi there,

Hope your boardgame-related issues are running well.

I recently uploaded my game "Sootcraft" to DriveThruRPG family site (I believe wargamevault and rpgnow are the same family sites with a common item base). The game is free.

Well, I have to say it is being downloaded. I'm not pretty sure whether it is because it is free or apparently not because of it. And what is considered as a good interest in the game judging by downloads.

Any more platforms for self-publishing of read and play games like fighting fantasy series? Any experience of real sales?

Kickstarter is not an option in my case.

Joined: 06/09/2017
hello. boardgamegeek has

hello. boardgamegeek has loads of links to PnP games along with reviews.
"read and play" i always knew as "choose your own adventure" books (but that might be a specific books series) there is a site called that is a community of people who write/play the games. there are also some cool apps for your tablet/phone that make the adventures more interactive. i used to love this style of book as a kid and still like the concept but with the digital versions you dont have the fun of trying to save 11 pages with 10 fingers incase you have to backtrack (or cheat).

Fayzwel's picture
Joined: 06/18/2012
wob, thank for tipHowever it

wob, thank for tip
However it seems like the site is inactive.

Did you mean That one work well. But I guess this a fan-based community. No sale option.

Joined: 06/09/2017
hi. yes that was the site. if

hi. yes that was the site. if you want to sell your choose your own adventures you would probably need to look at the book publishing side of things. there are places that do "vanity" publishing, meaning you can pay them and they print any book you want. there are "real" publishers but i dont think these types of book have really been popular since the early 90s.
i would suggest looking at amazon. i know they sell self published e-books (for kindle etc) but i have no idea how you do it. unfortunately you are unlikely to make a fortune from it though, especially as an unknown author. hopefully people will see sootcraft and seek out your other work.

mindspike's picture
Joined: 09/06/2011
Endless Quest returns

We may be in store for a resurgence of interest in the Choose Your Own Adventure type stories. WotC is doing a special edition of the Endless Quests books. Check out the story here

Good luck with your own book!

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