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Which "Background Color" do you prefer?

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Please take a look at our poll. It features two (2) attachments which are two versions of the same "cardback" using two distinct sets of colors.

Here is the URL/LINK to the Poll:

If you have the time to VOTE your "favorite", please take 2 minutes out of your day to tell us which one you think is better. Also if you would like to add a comment, feel free to do so in this thread.

Thank you to everyone who decides to vote!

Tim Edwards
Joined: 07/30/2015
Went for brown, mainly

Went for brown, mainly because it helps the text stand out much more.

Did you consider a dark green?

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Background Colour

Between these two choices I personally prefer the shade of brown, because the logo seems to become lost on the grey.

Joined: 06/09/2017
i voted brown. it looks like

i voted brown.
it looks like leather and shows the logo well.
grey made the K blend in too much.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Added a couple more choices

Tim Edwards wrote:
Went for brown, mainly because it helps the text stand out much more.

Did you consider a dark green?

Here is the BLOG URL/LINK to the display of all nine (9) colors:

Consider UPDATING your vote with what you feel would look BEST.

Many thanks!

Tim Edwards
Joined: 07/30/2015
questccg wrote:Tim Edwards

questccg wrote:
Tim Edwards wrote:
Went for brown, mainly because it helps the text stand out much more.

Did you consider a dark green?

I've attached TWO (2) ADDITIONAL colors: Royal Blue and Sky Cyan.

Here is the BLOG URL/LINK to the display of all four (4) colors:

Consider UPDATING your vote with what you feel would look BEST.

Many thanks!

Ah, nice. Now I prefer the Cyan. It's got more of that monster-skin feel. :)

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Royal Blue

Changed my vote to the Royal Blue. I like how it contrasts with the bright pink-ish colour in the logo.

Personally, I do think you ought to consider a deeper greenish hue, as was suggested earlier.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Ah ... darn things ... look good in most colors!

let-off studios wrote:
Changed my vote to the Royal Blue. I like how it contrasts with the bright pink-ish colour in the logo.

I too like the Royal Blue...!

let-off studios wrote:
Personally, I do think you ought to consider a deeper greenish hue, as was suggested earlier.

There is a green, I call "Arbor Green". But I've changed my "The Game Crafter"(TGC) order... Because I freaken LIKE ... ALL of the colors. I'm thinking of offering "Partial Information" from the cardbacks. Basically if you use "Human - Order" cards, they will be "Royal Blue". If you play the "Wood Elves - Nature" cards, they will be "Arbor Green". If you play the "High Elves - Life" cards, they will be "Slate Grey", etc.

Because I really LIKE all of the colors. Some are nicer than others... But still. This kind of PARTIAL information is not going to "ruin" the game. In fact it may help the players in understanding WHAT card a player will draw NEXT. And having the cards in your hand, can reveal to the opponent what you have.

In the play area, the cards are played "Face Up"... Once a card is defeated, it is "reversed" and that would displace the logo and the card's color too!

IDK ... What do you think about RACE specific cardbacks (color coordinated)???

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

I have updated the selection for the voting and unfortunately I CANNOT "reset" the Poll. So please re-vote your favorite. I also ADDED some more colors, they are all self-explanatory and can be viewed from the thumbnail to help you select your BEST choice (also click on the thumbnail for a LARGER view too).

As I mentioned, I MIGHT consider "Partial Information"... We'll have to see...

Thank you for your patience and your time!

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Why Choose?

With all due respect... If you're currently going to use all the colours, then why are you asking for someone's preferred favourite?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

let-off studios wrote:
With all due respect... If you're currently going to use all the colours, then why are you asking for someone's preferred favourite?

I'm not sure about it...?! Revealing "partial" information could be a possiblity, but I'm not sure of the ramifications. While it could encourage tournament play given various style like:

  • Dominance: One color must have 7 or more cards in a 12 card Micro Deck.

  • Equalizer: Only two (2) colors are allowed, 6 of each in a 12 card Micro Deck.

  • Race wars: One color ONLY ... All cards must be from the same Faction.

  • Carbon: All players use the SAME Micro Deck of 12 cards.

I'm thinking IF the cardback information was made available WITHOUT requiring the organizer to actually sift through the decks... All he/she would need would be to VALIDATE the "cardbacks" and voila... You're deck is approved for the style being played.

TBH ... I'm leaning towards the multiple cardbacks... Because I think the cards look all "cool" and it's a very hard choice for me to make. I have more skin in it than the voters, but I am also curious what the other designers feel is the "most attractive" background.

Anyhow ... If you do have a "preference" please do share it! Currently I have ONLY one (1) color (The "Dark Tan"). And while I LIKE it... For the various reasons that I have mentioned, I THINK it would be best to go to a "multi-colored" solution.

This could ALSO stimulate "Play Styles" and "Personal Preferences" to which COLOR you prefer playing and under what circumstances you choose to use a Deck versus another...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'm TRYING to get the POLL to be RESET

I don't have "reset" capabilities over this POLL. I've reached out the Rich so that he can either RESET or DELETE the poll results... And you can all vote (again - so sorry!)

Update: To RE-VOTE, simply click on the "Cancel Vote" Button and then you will prompted to VOTE again! Not to familiar with this voting sub-system. You should all be able to MODIFY your vote ... to the color of your preference.

evansmind244's picture
Joined: 04/09/2015
Dino Eye

The eye is definitely a dinosaur style eye. I think the background should be a variation of most if not all of those colors worked to look like the skin of a dinosaur. Google Dinosaur eye and you'll see several examples what I'm trying to say.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Too busy!

evansmind244 wrote:
The eye is definitely a dinosaur style eye.

It's supposed to be a Dragon Eye. But Dinosaur style eye is close enough.

evansmind244 wrote:
I think the background should be a variation of most if not all of those colors worked to look like the skin of a dinosaur. Google Dinosaur eye and you'll see several examples what I'm trying to say.

Yeah I took a look and I tried working with some other "textures" ... But I keep getting too much "variance" when it comes to the colors. What I mean is if I use a "Dino Skin" texture and apply a color mask of "Cyan" over it... The lighter areas of the texture turn to "bright" Cyan... And don't look good.

I understood what you meant... And while conceptually it LOOKS feasible, it doesn't work as "nicely" as the "leather" texture that I am already using...

But kudos to you for helping me explore such an option... I gave it a try ... Doesn't look as good as you would expect.


evansmind244's picture
Joined: 04/09/2015
Royal Blue

I've got to go with the Royal Blue then. With the vibrant pink coming off the "M" it creates a sort of optical illusion with my eyes. Made me wonder what the royal blue would look like if you had reflections of pink light glowing from the "M". Almost as if that "M" was putting off a GLOW that reflects off the leather. Just a thought.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Thanks to all who voted...

I went with "Royal Blue" as the colors on the ONLINE "Calculator" for the game. Although the computation is not too difficult... What is hard is making certain you don't make any mistakes doing the calculations.

For tournament play (competitive play), players will REQUIRE using the "Calculator" and therefore one of the players MUST have a SmartPhone with a Data Plan.

I've yet to determine if this is ENOUGH... Or will I spend good money on developing a Phone App. Truth be told, I may want to simply for the Programming Experience and being able to KNOW how to develop an APP.


evansmind244's picture
Joined: 04/09/2015
questccg wrote:I went with

questccg wrote:
I went with "Royal Blue" as the colors on the ONLINE "Calculator" for the game. Although the computation is not too difficult... What is hard is making certain you don't make any mistakes doing the calculations.

For tournament play (competitive play), players will REQUIRE using the "Calculator" and therefore one of the players MUST have a SmartPhone with a Data Plan.

I've yet to determine if this is ENOUGH... Or will I spend good money on developing a Phone App. Truth be told, I may want to simply for the Programming Experience and being able to KNOW how to develop an APP.


I looked at the blue again, and it really looks sharp.

If you can make a phone APP you open your doors in a big way. Marketing is as creative as you want to get. You can add some crypto currency/block chain aspect to it!! Obviously advertising for Game Apps is expensive, but with the money you save from Shipping and Manufacturing you can spend a fair amount on Google Adds and get your game in the hands of lots of people. Especially if you market to the crypto crowd. Not to mention constantly plugging adds for Tradeworlds and perhaps the hard copy of Monsters Keep. You would open up your craft with the ability to punch out a good App!! Stay focused and GET IT DONE!!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Working on the MOBILE "web page" next week

I've decided to look more into JQuery UI and modernize the "SmartPhone" version of the web page to be more "mobile-friendly".

This means BIGGER Font sizes, controls, draggable elements (the kind we are all used to on "SmartPhones".

You know what I mean: Drag the pane to the RIGHT and reveal "Card #1" fields and values, drag to the LEFT and reveal "Card #2" on the page...

It won't be a mobile APP... But it's one step CLOSER. It'll be a mobile-friendly web page with the "Calculator Image" (as on the current web page).

BTW the Calculator is LIVE at:

It re-directs to the right page now (fixed this)...

I've already FOUND the "Mobile Detection" CLASS which I can embed into the Server-Side's PHP code... And just re-direct it to another PAGE.

I'm hoping to make it as "MOBILE-FRIENDLY" as possible WITHOUT having it as an "App". I think this is very "feasible"... It just means reading through more JQuery API documentation (especially on the UI side of things)... And re-designing the page to what I want for "SmartPhones"!

I am 100% stoked at this "mini-project" to keep me busy next week. I'll post up the progress soon enough.

Thanks for all your INPUT and comments. Although the spinners I designed are COOL and IE 8.0 compatible. They won't work on the mobile page. I will use JQuery UI "Spinner" elements and make certain they are BIG enough for people. I'll also use a "draggable" element to allow you to SLIDE the card inputs from left to right and back.

Definitely GOT A PLAN!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Update: I may use TABS

One of the "Grouping" object is TABs. I may just use that element to ADD all the Selection element and the Spinners plus a text input ... And just put that on 2 TABs... I think it will be more intuitive and LESS work that trying to use the "draggable" and it might be QUICKER to toggle rapidely between TABs too!

The Banner (cut down in size to fit on the a "SmartPhone").

The "Reset" button which restores values to default (according to the selections of Card #1 and Card #2).

Next 2 TABs: "Card #1" and "Card #2". Each tab having the right elements.

Ending with the "Computed Result" in a LARGE Font too.

That should be what the PLAN is... It should be easily implemented. I may need to mess around with a CSS to ensure everything looks good. IDK... We'll see some time next week!


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