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Dead Steam - Post Apocalyptic train building card game

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Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013

Hello! Haven't been on here in a while but wanted to share a project of mine that is well on its way. I am looking for some blind playtesting to get ready for Cardboard Edison.

here is a sneak peek!


After the greatest societal collapse, hope of new life seemed scarce and impossible. As the world lay dead and desolate, a passion for rails and steam birthed a new age of prosperity, conflict and adventure. An age that would be known throughout history as the age of Dead Steam.


In Dead Steam, you will play as a humble train scrappy in a post apocalyptic world, competing to assemble the best trains for the growing demand of shipments.

To establish yourself during this resurrection of humankind, you will build a deck of cars and engines from which you will assemble trains. Each train will require certain cargo, correctly placed train cards, enough towing power and an engine to qualify for delivery.

Earn the most Coin by filling your trains with more cargo, outfitting its defenses to avoid raids and satisfying unique shipment requests for bonus rewards. Whoever has the most Coin at the end of the three rounds wins! Will you succeed in the age of Dead Steam?

I have a discord server where I hold weekly playtests.

These are the rules for anyone interested in giving it a look and providing feedback.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Good luck with the Cardboard Edison Award

I submitted a Video and I got positive reviews from the people who watched and saw my pitch. A couple even said that my game was "special" and yet the people who run the Award did not pass my prototype to the playtest rounds. One person said they hope to play the game and another one said getting the chance to play the game would be amazing.

Those two keep hounding me for money asking for me to support their award. When in the end they went contrary to their own audience of people who wanted to see and play my game (Crystal Heroes).

In my book they're jerks and just looking for money from sponsors. I may run this website... But I do it as a LOSS. I don't make any money from running On the contrary I probably lose around $400 USD a year hosting, paying for the Domain, Domain Privacy and Backups. So I think I do enough for the Board Game Community or the designers who enjoy discussing their ideas...

I'm not rich that I can afford to pay for sponsorship of the Cardboard Edison Award... I'm mostly a Game Designer who is somehow trying to scrap by with my designs in the hope of making some money in the process. Like probably the rest of you who once you reach a certain level, would like to see your game(s) published and played by gamers around the Globe.

Like I said, good luck with the Submission. Maybe they won't be jerks to you like they were to me. I highly don't recommend their annual contest because of the BIAS those two (Husband and Wife that run it)... They don't even listen to their own judges...

Anyhow... It is what it is. Maybe they'll give you a better chance.

Good luck. Just like winning the lottery.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And to help you out a bit...

"Train Scrappy" sounds terrible. Here are a few examples of "Characters" with a better name (than Scrappy AND Engineer):

Axel "Ironhand" Greaves... So "Ironhand" instead of Scrappy or Engineer.

Mara "Coalburner" Kane

Victor "Steamjack" Holloway

Clara "Railsplitter" Voss

Gideon "Ironclad" Sable

Finn "Dieselheart" Riker

I personally like the LAST ONE: "Dieselheart"... And you can come up with a Backstory that works with Finn Riker... Could be cool IMHO!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I read your idea in diagonal,

I read your idea in diagonal, you game reminds me of a game I acquired recently "isle of train". You might want to take a look especially about how you build your train and load goods on it.

The objectives of the game will of course be different. I like the idea of a Mad Max style train game.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
questccg wrote:"Train

questccg wrote:
"Train Scrappy" sounds terrible. Here are a few examples of "Characters" with a better name (than Scrappy AND Engineer):

Axel **"Ironhand"** Greaves... So **"Ironhand"** instead of Scrappy or Engineer.

Mara **"Coalburner"** Kane

Victor **"Steamjack"** Holloway

Clara **"Railsplitter"** Voss

Gideon **"Ironclad"** Sable

Finn **"Dieselheart"** Riker

I personally like the LAST ONE: **"Dieselheart"**... And you can come up with a Backstory that works with Finn Riker... Could be cool IMHO!

Good thoughts. I may use a combination of a few of those: Ironheart. We'll see. I was going with kind of a Robinhood type gang or faction feel. Still getting a feel for how I want the world to feel.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
larienna wrote:I read your

larienna wrote:
I read your idea in diagonal, you game reminds me of a game I acquired recently "isle of train". You might want to take a look especially about how you build your train and load goods on it.

The objectives of the game will of course be different. I like the idea of a Mad Max style train game.

Yep, I've seen Isle of Trains. Much more interactive and less puzzley than this game. It is very interesting that there aren't a whole lot of train BUILDING games. Just stock based train games (18xx, etc.)

That is exactly the style I am going for.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
How does Ticket-To-Ride compare???

I have the game but I have NEVER played it. I know from watching some videos that the goal is to make trains across the USA on various tracks. I don't see that it requires DIFFERENT types of trains... You build the train but in-so-far that it's ONLY the TRAIN (not the type of cars).

I think at least?! Like I said I have not played it and I don't remember much about the video... Only that you try to create trains with their cars along various tracks in the USA.

Care to comment???

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
questccg wrote:I have the

questccg wrote:
I have the game but I have NEVER played it. I know from watching some videos that the goal is to make trains across the USA on various tracks. I don't see that it requires DIFFERENT types of trains... You build the train but in-so-far that it's ONLY the TRAIN (not the type of cars).

I think at least?! Like I said I have not played it and I don't remember much about the video... Only that you try to create trains with their cars along various tracks in the USA.

Care to comment???

Ticket-to-Ride is more about route building, less about building trains. You get a number of cards in your hand of a certain colors and then are able to play those cards to place your train pieces on the colored route you played from your hand.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some additional thoughts

If your game was two-sided like the person running the Train and Cargo is one Player (like the idea of Mad Max or Dungeon Master) and the other players are Raiders looking to steal from the train as much loot and cargo as possible.

Could make for an interesting game.

I have not read your rulebook. Like I've stated many times, I HATE rulebooks. Honestly what I would prefer is someone who can TEACH me the game or that I can WATCH a Video from Rodney Smith, Richard Ham, Tom Vasal, or Lance Myxter and get how easy or difficult the game is ... That's one way for understanding the game (and is less prone to error).

Anyhow this is just an idea. I know your game is probably advanced, but when I read @larienna's IDEA about a "Mad Max Train Game", I immediately got the idea of dividing sides and having the Engineer and the Raiders separate parties all trying to capitalize on the cargo being shipped by the trains...

I doubt this adds much value to your game.

Again just an idea.

Note #1: Nevermind it's too much like "Colt Express":

That game already has bandits invading a train and trying to steal as much as possible from the passengers (and probably cargo too...) Nevermind... Your concept is much more ORIGINAL! Enough said...

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
questccg wrote:If your game

questccg wrote:
If your game was two-sided like the person running the Train and Cargo is one Player (like the idea of Mad Max or Dungeon Master) and the other players are Raiders looking to steal from the train as much loot and cargo as possible.

Could make for an interesting game.

I have not read your rulebook. Like I've stated many times, I HATE rulebooks. Honestly what I would prefer is someone who can TEACH me the game or that I can WATCH a Video from Rodney Smith, Richard Ham, Tom Vasal, or Lance Myxter and get how easy or difficult the game is ... That's one way for understanding the game (and is less prone to error).

Anyhow this is just an idea. I know your game is probably advanced, but when I read @larienna's IDEA about a "Mad Max Train Game", I immediately got the idea of dividing sides and having the Engineer and the Raiders separate parties all trying to capitalize on the cargo being shipped by the trains...

I doubt this adds much value to your game.

Again just an idea.

Note #1: Nevermind it's too much like "Colt Express":

That game already has bandits invading a train and trying to steal as much as possible from the passengers (and probably cargo too...) Nevermind... Your concept is much more ORIGINAL! Enough said...

Sounds like a neat reskin and reimplementation of Netrunner the LCG! But yes, much different game there. Also, hating rulebooks is really unfortunate for this line of business. A necessary evil I suppose. I will be putting together a video pitch here shortly. Any tips? I am horrible at recording.....

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Pay to make your Video???

Tbone wrote:
...I will be putting together a video pitch here shortly. Any tips? I am horrible at recording.....

You could PAY "Undead Viking" to make you a Video... I don't think this is in violation of the terms of presenting a Video. I don't believe that it states that YOU MUST make your own Video! As such asking for Lance or another KS Previewer to make a short Preview video with a quick explanation of the rules of the game (and Lance did this for "Tradewars" at that time).

It may require you to shed some money if you want the Video Made. But whomever you contact you may ask for what you want and explain that the Video is to be unlisted on YouTube and made available to the Cardboard Edison Panel of Judges.

But like I said, it's really a waste of time especially since they don't even take into consideration their own Judges and override the process of admitting and rejecting whomever THEY choose.

I think it's a bit BIASED. But YMMV. Cheers!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Game name ideas which are more "grittier"

Here are some examples of more "grittier" Game Name IDEAS. Take what you like and Combine what you think sounds best:

1. Rustborn Express

2. Shattered Tracks

3. Ashes to Iron

4. Bone and Rail

5. Hellbound Freight


I personally LOVE "Ashes to Iron" that sounds SO EPIC! Hehehe. But the other names have some potential too. You may LIKE "Bone and Rail" as your nickname is "TBone"! I think it may have a "BAD" connotation... LOL

But "Ashes to Iron" might be a GREAT name.

Again just some ideas. They are FREE! Take what you like and disregard what you doesn't interest you.


Note #1: And BTW the "Ashes to Iron" sounds so EPIC because it embodies the "Post-Apocalyptic" aspect "Ashes" as in ruins but also as in "Ashes" for COAL... And the transition to "Iron" from fragile "Ashes" to solid and strong "Iron" gives a Revival Feel to the name too. Works on so many levels.

Plus it RESONATES with "Ironheart" as the maybe the Family trying to re-establish the Trains and their Routes. It also plays into the NAME too...

Again it's your game... I'm just sharing ideas with you!

Note #2: Although I REALLY like "Ashes to Iron" and how it works with the "Ironheart" Family... Another GOOD names is:

6. Ash and Steam

Still very gritty and post-apocalyptic like makes the illusion of converting Ash to Steam from the Ashes comes the Steam ... From ruins comes Power... Something like that.

I'm just having fun coming up with ideas for this. Again ignore what you don't like... I'm just giving you some options to consider.

Note #3: Some other COOL options (again I'm just running ideas by you...) are:

7. Steamfallen

8. Crimson Steam

9. Last Steamline

No worries if you keep "Dead Steam" ... I just wanted to see what kind of options could be derived from the name. These are a few extra ideas.

My FAV by far is "Ashes to Iron" but it sounds more like a NOVEL than a GAME TBH. So that's why I just shared some other examples of names.


Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
Ashes to Iron does sound

Ashes to Iron does sound epic. I really do like it! I think Dead Steam is staying but Ashes to Iron is very cool (yes especially with Ironheart who will most likely be the main faction responsible for the rekindling of humanity).

Also, from someone who doesn't like rules, does the opening story and objective give you enough information to know if you like it or not? Is it enticing?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I like it... I like it a LOT!

Tbone wrote:
Ashes to Iron does sound epic. I really do like it! I think Dead Steam is staying but Ashes to Iron is very cool (yes especially with Ironheart who will most likely be the main faction responsible for the rekindling of humanity).

Feels more like a GOOD BOOK/NOVEL name thought.

Tbone wrote:
Also, from someone who doesn't like rules, does the opening story and objective give you enough information to know if you like it or not? Is it enticing?

Well I think the more you do some World-Building the more it gets me INTERESTED to read the rulebook. I started reading and it's VERY COOL... The CONCEPT IS really GREAT. I'm not good with rulebooks ... So that's why I have like a DOZEN+ games that I have NOT played ... Just because I haven't gotten to the rules yet.

BUT having said that... I like the STORY PART. Like I said... You may want to use 1 page of Historical References and research Train History a bit and mix it into your OWN Universe. It's actually what got me reading more about the game TBH.

You've got something REAL GOOD ... And I haven't read all the rules. I just was looking at the Engine Cars and the Goods Cars and thinking... "Man this is NEAT!" Never seen anything like that... So yeah if you need some STORY-ARCS just ask me... And I'll send you some FICTION. It of course will be very SHORT and just the ARC... Allowing YOU the FREEDOM to EXPAND upon it based on what you believe the World Building should be...

Let me think about those ARCS and see what I can come up with. Of course you can do your OWN "World Building" TOO! I'm just going to shoot you some ideas.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Okay here are some STORY ARCS

1. Ashes of the Boiler Kings

The remains of humanity's steam empire are hoarded by the Boiler Kings, warlords controlling critical train yards. The Ironhearts must infiltrate and dismantle these tyrannies to reclaim the technology.

2. Engines of Salvation

A mythical "Diesel Engine" is said to generate limitless engine power. The Ironhearts must track down fragments of its legend, assembling clues across hostile territories while fending off rival scavengers.

3. The Rusted Vein

A massive, underground railway network lies buried beneath the wasteland. The Ironhearts must unearth and repair it while contending with subterranean horrors and crumbling infrastructure.

4. The Phantom Locomotive

A ghostly train powered by unknown forces haunts the wasteland. The Ironhearts investigate its origins, uncovering a sinister AI core and its connection to humanity's downfall.

5. Wheels of the Apocalypse

An ancient rail cannon—the "Dead Steam Engine"—is found in a derelict state. The Ironhearts must decide whether to restore it as a tool for defense or destroy it to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

6. Ironclad Redemption

A long-forgotten, self-aware train AI becomes the Ironhearts' unlikely ally. Its knowledge holds the key to rebuilding civilization, but its dangerous past threatens to derail their efforts.

7. The Steamplague

A deadly, steam-borne pathogen infects the wasteland, corrupting machines and people alike. The Ironhearts must develop a cure while racing to rebuild steam networks needed for survival.

That's some examples... You can work on making your own. Maybe adapt one of these to something more suited to YOUR game. I personally really like the "Engines of Salvation" STORY-ARC... Maybe could be an ALTERNATE Winning GOAL. Or something that gets UNLOCKED at some point in the game. This mixed with the AI of "The Phantom Locomotive" could be of interest too...

Again just IDEAS... You can work with some of these and ADAPT them to YOUR liking in making something more specific...


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
BTW if you like TRAINS ...

You should really read Ayn Rand's "Atlas shrugged". It's a WONDERFUL BOOK and an EPIC story as you follow the Protagonist trying to chase down who is trying to STOP the railways and how the Antagonist is always one step ahead.

It's a book about the importance of a Free-Thinking world... Not so much polluted by people's desires and influences. And how the world could stop if people don't work hard to make it continue.

It also has a part about having people who know what they are doing as opposed to people who are interested in their own outcomes over the good of Humanity. Ergo why so many people are being convinced by the Antagonist to stop the flow of the railways...

A very good book indeed.

Towards the end... The book gets a bit too "Fictional" but 90% of the book is a great story and keeps the reader involved in what is going down. The last 10% is pure fiction and a reflection on "what-ifs" in society ... And kind a loses the punch of the book.

Still never the less a GREAT BOOK to read.


Note #1: Where I feel (the 90% I talked about) the story goes a bit astray is near the end when the protagonist discovers the "Secret Society" and her place in it. Also there is a LONG "Speech" which cover's the Author's Personal View on Society and Democracy and Free Capitalism. I think if my memory serves me right... That speech is like 60 pages alone and is a part of the reason that the Author wanted to share her OWN opinion on how the proper way of running the World should be.

That bit of "Fantasy" just puts the end of the book a bit TOO FICTIONAL. But like I said, overall it's a GREAT book to read.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
Awesome stuff. Yeah, the

Awesome stuff. Yeah, the origins of man's fall is still underconstruction so the Phantom Locomotive is reeeeealy cool.

I do know this, there is a character: The Master Conductor, who is said to be the champion of the Ironhearts.

I also really like the idea of technology bringing some sort of plague into the mix. Not just a bio-plague, but a plague that infects matter or iron. Like A.I. and humans were cooperating but something occurred that infected the A.I. against their will, framing A.I. as the bad guys when it is actually unknown as to how it happened.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I like 18XX, but I agree

I like 18XX, but I agree there is no wagon building. I wanted to make an 18xx Christmas themed game where you could attach wagon to your trains enabling access the delivery of different type of goods. Still a work in progress.

You could make a kind of tower defense game, when you are on the offensive. Your train must pass a series of obstacles to survive. Slightly reminds me of Galaxy trucker, but I never played.

Rule book are essential. They should be updated to your latest modification. The rule book is the game itself, no rules, no game. They can also be easily modified compared to other medium.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Don't get me wrong I agree...

larienna wrote:
Rule book are essential. They should be updated to your latest modification. The rule book is the game itself, no rules, no game. They can also be easily modified compared to other medium.

No I agree that Rulebooks are necessary. I just hate reading them and trying to understand all the steps. And I dislike this for my OWN rulebooks and so usually that's the last thing to be done.

It's not that there are NO RULES, yes there are rules and they are documented in TXT documents. No formatting and just rules without formal Requirements, Components, Setup, etc. Just what is necessary to document the game which is usually like 2 pages in a TXT document.

The problem is that the RULEBOOKS need to be FORMATTED and designed with Images and so forth... It's like 20% of the effort is making a REAL Rulebook not just rules in a TXT document.

For my own understanding the TXT documents serve their purpose and can easily be understood by MYSELF only. I don't use good grammar or make sure my sentence structures are "perfect", etc. etc.

They are NOTES for me to remember what variant I am playing and the rules that NEED to be documented for myself.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Don't do anything fancy in

Don't do anything fancy in the design process. A simple word processor document is enough. No need for pictures, or side text at this point.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
That's not a Final Formatted Rulebook

larienna wrote:
Don't do anything fancy in the design process. A simple word processor document is enough. No need for pictures, or side text at this point.

That's good enough for you, people reading the rules and playing ... BUT NOT a finished Rulebook that is meant to be included in with your GAME. That's the KEY difference between a Rulebook that is FINAL and a Rulebook which is good enough to play with.

The Rulebooks I speak about are the FINAL ones. Like just about any other GAME out-there in the market. They all have FANCY Rulebooks with background, layouts and images to help present the game in its best light.

Like I said, I have rules... Just not a FINAL Rulebook!

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
Here is my pitch video

Here is my pitch video submission to Cardboard Edison!

Dead Steam pitch video

I think you'll like the ending Quest.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I hope they pass your submission

Like I said, I got a bunch of positive remarks from all kinds of Judges who only got to see my Pitch Video... And several of them were saying that "I had something special" and that "They hope they get the chance to play the game", etc. etc. Only to be told by the organizers of the Award that "There were too many submissions and they decided to cut mine from the playtest phase".

So it cost me $250 USD to make the video and nothing came from it. Plus add the $20 USD submission fee to be eligible to submit my game (Crystal Heroes) and again nothing with all that hard work put into the game.

My sincerest hope for YOU is that they allow you game to go through.

I don't want to be overly critical ... But watching the video gave me a bit of a "downer". Not because there was anything "bad"... It's just not what I was expecting.

Let me just share some ideas that I had AFTER watching the video.

questccg wrote:
I wish that the game didn't LAST 3 Rounds. I was picturing something more like "Freeway Fighter" the Puffin "Fighting Fantasy" Novels...

I was wanting something MORE "Mad Max" like. Ergo the "Freeway Fighter" but with TRAINS. So you would assemble the TRAIN and THEN "Test it out on a series of MISSIONS".

Your game grows on the trains and it seems like there are rules (All-Or-Nothing) with the extra cars... IDK that seemed a bit weird.

I had pictured something like INSTEAD of just choosing Gold/Silver/Bronze Trains... You choose MISSION CARDS based on the LEVEL: Gold = 5, Silver = 4 and Bronze = 3. And then your train would have a micro DECK where you would ADD the VARIOUS DESTINATIONS and the corresponding MISSION CARDS.

And then you BEGIN your journey and DRAW ONE (1) Card from that micro deck and see what it says. It could be like "Stock up with CORN." to transport food. And you'd need to see if one of the train cars can HOLD CORN. That would be ONE (1) CARD out of "x" in the micro deck. And then they next MISSION Card could be "Transport a Diplomat to his destination." and you would need a passenger car to transport the Diplomat.

Along with the GOOD MISSIONS/EVENTS would be BAD ONES like "Train Heist" or some kind of dueling with the Coal Locomotive with all kinds of beefed up options to smash through Blockades to combating another train...

IDK. Sorry to be crummy... It seems REAL COOL your game. Watching the video (and I had not read all the rules yet...) I was just picturing something LESS EURO and more Ameritrash.

It's not your game. I'm just explaining what I had impressions when reading and looking at some of the cars and stuff... Not fully reading all the rules.


I still hope that the Edison Award gives you the opportunity to get judges to PLAYTEST your game. The video is only Phase #1 out of three (3) I believe.

Best of luck with your game!

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
Thank you for the feedback...

Thank you for the feedback!

Yeah, it seems like you're still pretty bitter about the Edison thing. I understand. Luckily I didn't spend a dime on the video I made. I am doing this to get more comfortable pitching my game and understanding how to get a game ready for someone else to experience it. I am not expecting to get Dead Steam to the playtesting round. I honestly don't think she's quite ready. But if it doess, wow, exciting.

So from your feedback, it looked like you were just looking for a different game haha. I briefly looked up Freeway Fighters and.... it looks like an RPG. Dead Steam is not an RPG. Its actually more closely akin to something like a ROGUE-LITE. And rogue-lites are much more Ameritrash than Euro so I don't know where you're getting that feel from. Maybe in trying to get the most efficent train/getting most points? I don't know. But from what I know Euro games do not have a lot of randomness; Dead Steam is built on you reacting to a lot of randomness and making the best decision with what you have.

I will say that the game does not highlight the ACTUAL JOURNEY, which is unfortunate. However, I could only fit so much into a game I wanted to keep accessible (Casual+). Adding a whole journey phase would dilute the experience and make it last another hour. I didn't want that. Dead Steam's fun is in the puzzle and anything else I think would distract from that. That being said, I think that raids COULD be more even thematic (i.e. Engine Rats are raiding "You must destroy two train cards instead of one if you don't have a turret next to your engine" etc. etc.)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Tbone wrote: Thank you for the feedback...

Tbone wrote:
Thank you for the feedback!

Yeah, it seems like you're still pretty bitter about the Edison thing. I understand. Luckily I didn't spend a dime on the video I made. I am doing this to get more comfortable pitching my game and understanding how to get a game ready for someone else to experience it. I am not expecting to get Dead Steam to the playtesting round. I honestly don't think she's quite ready. But if it does, wow, exciting.

It's not like I am bitter... Just not happy the way my entry was treated: a bunch of the judges said the game is interesting and they want to play it... And then the ORGANIZERS decide NOT to pass my game to the PLAYTEST Round. I think the organizers were at odds with their judges and went contrary to their own judging panel. That's all. I got great feedback (all be it limited) and then I am told my entry will not make the next round. Doesn't make any sense!

Tbone wrote:
So from your feedback, it looked like you were just looking for a different game haha. I briefly looked up Freeway Fighters and.... it looks like an RPG. Dead Steam is not an RPG. Its actually more closely akin to something like a ROGUE-LITE. And rogue-lites are much more Ameritrash than Euro so I don't know where you're getting that feel from. Maybe in trying to get the most efficient train/getting most points? I don't know. But from what I know Euro games do not have a lot of randomness; Dead Steam is built on you reacting to a lot of randomness and making the best decision with what you have.

To this I will say, I think your next comment hits the nail on the head:

Tbone wrote:
I will say that the game does not highlight the ACTUAL JOURNEY, which is unfortunate.

Yes that is it. Again you are correct. I was looking for something that allowed for the "ACTUAL JOURNEY" to be involved. And Yes, Freeway Fighter is an RPG in book format. The way it was described is you build a train and then the next step was to become the Engineer aboard the Locomotive... And then you would have to fend off any attacks and make the journey.

A little bit like the movie "Furiosa: Mad Max"... Where they build that GIANT Truck to transport gas...

If you've ever been on a TRAIN (IRL) you'll know it's a slow but steady ride to your destination and there are multiple stops before you reach it. While assembling the train is a bit of a PUZZLE, the journey would make the game more memorable. But as you said:

TBone wrote:
However, I could only fit so much into a game I wanted to keep accessible (Casual+). Adding a whole journey phase would dilute the experience and make it last another hour. I didn't want that. Dead Steam's fun is in the puzzle and anything else I think would distract from that...

It's kinda like having a railway set when you were a kid and your Father never allows you to man the controls... A Journey Phase would make the game longer and more "meatier" and it COULD be the primary reason to get together AND PLAY.

We always talk about games like this one is "casual" and you play in preparation to the PRIMARY game for the night as a warm-up. By ADDING the whole JOURNEY phase, you not only extend the duration of the game (TIME-WISE), you also grow the INVOLVEMENT of the players (they are MORE INVESTED in their Train-building). This is good because it COULD resonate the feeling people get if they had made "this" decision or made "that" change pending the results of the journey.

But it is what it is... I still think your game is good and very NOVEL!

And that RPG Book Freeway Fighter is the whole JOURNEY.

I won't mention this again ... Unless you want to continue the discussion. Like you said: "I was looking for a different game." And my response to this is "No ... I was expecting something EXTRA when it came to utilizing the trains!" We could discuss it ... Just as a topic of DISCUSSION but it doesn't mean you have to CHANGE your game. We could just see how difficult and the real ramification to the game and it's impact.

Let me know. Sincerely.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
I COULD make the game a

I COULD make the game a "full" experience with adding in a journey part to the game, but I would argue this would make a worse game. Just because it would make a "fuller" experience, doesn't mean people will be more likely to play it. Yep, fuller experience could mean a more impactful experience (players become very attached to their trains etc.), but to get players to the table and learn a 2.5 hour long experience and then play it more than once in their lifetime is now a HUGE ask. If you were to add any sort of journey you would need to SEVERELY gut the main focus of the game in favor of a more narrative driven experience. Which I completely get the appeal of that for sure. As I said, it is unfortunate I can't add something like that without potentially harming the fun of Dead Steam.

Now, as you said, what would I do to indulge this idea of a more narrative driven game? There would definitely be some sort of map. In fact it would probably end up looking like FROST TRAIN (a Steam game). Which is a REAL roguelite game. Not particulalry narrative driven but you could definitely put some in. Frost Train has you building one train and constantly updating it to both keep your train happy and going faster than the massive ice storm. So the puzzle of the game would still be there but instead of developing three trains you would develop one. So you would scarifice some the puzzle aspect of building the train and share it with the puzzle of the missions essentially. Not sure how you would make that "fun" though but that is where I would go.

It took a while to find the fun off Dead Steam. And to be honest, I don't really even know where it is haha! It is in juggling the desire for making your trains more lucrative (earning you more coin) vs. keeping the trains valid (has to follow certain rules). So essentially, the more lucrative a train is the harder it is to keep it valid. This really was only made super clear after trying to explain my game through this pitch format!!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I will just say this one thing...

The game's concept is AMAZING! The idea of all the different cars and locomotives is AMAZING! Maybe you have three (3) Tracks to build IN CASE your PRIMARY (Main) Train gets damaged or destroyed, etc. Then you could use one of the other SECONDARY (Extra) Trains to fix and continue the journey.

So the game looks AMAZING ... Just when you dig deeper, some people will be disappointed that TRAVELING is missing (the Journey Part).

Here is MY IDEA for you (do with it as YOU wish):

questccg wrote:
If it's a Deck-Builder why not just add piles with ROUTE MARKERS that act as Missions, Train Stops and Events.

Basically you have a MICRO DECK you build as you TRAVEL. You have "destinations" which mean you Traveled a distance (however you want to express it) and you need a specific distance to ACCOMPLISH "Missions" or resolve "Events" (which can be bad like a bombing or heist). Like "Route Markers".

So you start with a Micro Deck of ten (10) Cards.

No "Route Marker" is TOTALLY NEGATIVE. Meaning that even if you get a "Heist" as a "Route Marker", it means you could MAYBE capture "the Outlaw" and earn Gold for his capture... And then you can DISCARD this card PERMANENTLY from the MICRO DECK.

And each "Route Marker" lasts for a SPECIFIC amount of Travel Time. So say for example the "Heist" lasts for "3 Rounds" which basically means that you have "3 Rounds" to capture "the Outlaw" or lose a certain amount of Gold. "3 Rounds" = "3 Cards" drawn from the Micro Deck. If you draw a destination (or "Train Stop") some events end and sometimes you get rewarded for transporting goods and food, etc. etc.

So in this case, there would be NO BOARD. It would all be VIRTUAL and using a Micro Deck. The piles you buy from are "Face-Down" and so you never know what card you will be adding to your Micro Deck.

Also the Victory Condition has to be CLEVER. And it has to be sufficiently FLEXIBLE such that you can IMPROVE your SCORE by replaying the game. Meaning if you SCORE "X" playing on your first time, next time you play you can score "X" + "Y" above the high-score. I think something LOSS is agnostic. What I mean is that the SCORE is how to END a game. You never lose and players play COOPERATIVELY.

Players are always trying to BEAT their HIGH-SCORE given how successful any given train ride is in the end.

Something like that. Again just ideas. Embryonic ones AT BEST!

So there is no such thing as LOSING the game. SCORING above the highest SCORE is a RECORD and means players have bested their previous HIGH SCORE. It's COOPERATIVE meaning players work together...

And it's a Deck-Builder much like you have already planned.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And I just wanted to say...

That having a HIGH SCORE or a RECORD means more fond memories of the game.

BUT... And this is a VERY VERY BIG BUT... The Journey makes the game about the entire EXPERIENCE. How you solve puzzles, resolve troubling events and just TRY to beat a previous RECORD are ALL part of the FUN!

Keeping it a bit abstract will make YOUR DESIGNER Life easier. And as you stated a more "Complete" experience could yield POSITIVE reactions from the players.

Personally, I LIKE the idea of NOT LOSING: it's about the JOURNEY and trying to become the best "Ironhearts" out-there.

The more and more I think about it... The more and more I feel like it would be SO EPIC ... And given some different choices (like no losing and cooperative play...)

I'll give you something that one of the kids who playtested "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" The Reboot had to say after the game.

anonymous player wrote:
To be real honest, I didn't care if my opponent played bad cards against me. It only made my stories that much more FUN!

And I was like... COOL! Hehehe. Not LOSING is a clever way of playing. I can think of "Bonus Scoring". Like for each car that remains at the end of the game you score BONUS POINTS. Each time a LOCOMOTIVE gets destroyed and you have a BACKUP ready... You LOSE a certain amount of POINTS, etc. etc.

Maybe the game lasts a SPECIFIC amount of ROUNDS unless the LOCOMOTIVE is destroyed and there is no BACKUP then the game ends pre-maturely. Something for you to playtest IF you like the above ideas.

Anyhow... I'm not saying you should change your game. I'm just saying you can maybe abstract it a bit and add some CARD PILES for the Micro Deck and the Journey all players will embark upon...

Let me know if you have questions or need further explanation. This is some pretty "abstract" ideas and they seem to lend well to what you ALREADY have...


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Last comment until you reply...

If the events could be like MINI-PUZZLES (like resolving the "Heist" by capturing an Outlaw) that makes the game that much more interesting.

Again EMBRYONIC ideas... I'm not sure HOW(?) just yet.

But I think you get what I mean in terms of playing as a TEAM and RESOLVING Bad Events or mishappenings until you reach a "Train Stop" (Destination). So you can try to BEAT the PUZZLE or HOPE to reach a "Train Stop" ASAP to bypass and end the problematic event.

I think the games needs a "Tactical" Layer which sits above the "Route Markers" and allows for Puzzle-like interactivity and/or just trying to ride down that last card to make it to the NEXT "Train Stop"!!!

This is like a PYL (Push-Your-Luck) mechanic in that he whole train is in freaken danger of exploding and the players are just HOPING for the TRAIN to STOP at a "Train Stop" to be re-fitted and fixed so that the players can continue the journey.

And these could be VERY TIGHT conditions... Burning the Candle at BOTH ENDS and just hoping to survive the next turn before the whole train falls apart.

Get the feeling that I am going for??? Cheers @TBone.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

The "Tactical Puzzle" Layer could be a DICE SYSTEM. Using STANDARD Colored D6s and in combination with Polyhedral Dice... I was going to use this system in a Game about Girls Gymnastics ... But figured it would be too costly for Photography and also the cost of paying and finding the Gymnasts too...

Each TURN in ONE (1) Round allows players to TRY to BEAT the PUZZLE.

A PUZZLE could be like "4 Dice": >3:3 Red (D6), =5:5 Green (D6), <4:3 Blue (D6) and =12 (D12 - the Poly Dice in the puzzle).

So you would have 3 Rolls to get a 4 or higher and each time you roll, you get a chance to roll the D12. So Roll 1D6 Red + 1D12 and try to get ">3" and "=12" (on the poly dice). Getting the "D12 = 12" means CAPTURING "the Outlaw", you don't need it to RESOLVE the Event.

This is just ONE (1) EXAMPLE of a Tactical Layer that would add DICE PLAY/POOLING to allow players to beat the challenge.

That's all I have for now. Maybe you can come up with AN ALTERNATE "Tactical Layer" which would consist of other PUZZLES.


Note #1: This was just an EXAMPLE of a "Tactical Layer". ATM I don't have any BETTER system. Perhaps another Layer could be "items"... Like "2 Guns" + "1 Sheriff's Badge" = Beat the "Heist" and capture "the Outlaw" ... Something like that might also be possible and plausible.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013
Journey Deck

Today, I was thinking about a Journey Deck of sorts. I think this would be an expansion for sure. But expansions typically attempt to improve parts of the game people may find lacking to some degree or another. It would be a simple "event" deck that would incorporate a rule change for the given round. This may be "Giant Frost Storm: Trains now must have at least 1 Speed to be considered a valid train." This now would make players play VERY differently and feel the chill of this event through the mechanics. This would inevitably increase replay value without including unnecessary baggage to the design.

I will say though, your ideas sound very much like a roguelike would be - "trying to beat your last score/trying to survive the longest you can etc." - I could see Dead Steam adding this at some point. So no set number of rounds, but you keep playing until you bust. I do have a variant I haven't tried yet called INFINITY RAILS where you play consecutive games of Dead Steam but at the end, you swap the starting deck you would typically start a new game with, with YOUR BEST TRAIN from the last round. Then you play again. And so there could be a sense of BIGGER progression beyond just one game.

Adding dice to this game is nuts haha. You must really like RPG's. I am having trouble understanding this mini-deck and puzzle. It is interesting your idea of just using your best train for a mission (similar to what I have above).

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