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questccg's blog

Quest Adventure Cards(tm) — The Reboot is finally ready!

On Friday, I wrapped up the final version of the Quest Adventure Cards(tm) Reboot which is a streamlined version of the product which is composed on 70 Quest Cards and is great for kids wanting to learn more about card games.

No "Quest AC" is NOT a "Battling" game. You don't battle your opponent. Instead it focuses on constructive gameplay encouraging the players to COMPLETE QUESTS, much like the name suggests.

TradeWorlds — Tactical Core

Well as I ramp up my activities, I've got a bunch of projects all "OPEN" and at different stages. I'm thinking about using "Dual Dice", the specialty dice to use a "Dice Draft/Auction" mechanic which could maybe bring the game together.

The A/B Facets of those dice allow players to draft dice from the pool of available dice and then use them during their turn. So if you Drafted a "Fuchsia" dice (Black/Purple), it means that if you roll a "6", you will get 3 Moves and The Destined (Purple) players gets 3 Moves too!

TradeWorlds — Smuggler's Run

I've just finished an "incomplete" version of the Box Cover for the "TradeWorlds" EXPANSION called "Smuggler's Run". The design had been in a bit of a funk ... or as other would put it a "Mental Block". In any event, I've found a system that could work but it needs a prototype and playtesting.

I plan to start (or continue) work on the Box Cover and ensure that the EXPANSION idea gets to the early prototype stage once everything I need to get done before that becomes a reality...

Quest — The Reboot

So I've just wrapped up a newer Version of "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)", I call it the "Reboot". In principle you are STILL trying to "complete" Quests but the method of doing so is different. The difference are as follows:

1> No more "Quest" Definition Cards.

Instead we use a STAR for required cards that must be played into the play area. You can start from one (1) to three (3) Victory Point cards which are required.

Duel Botz — Complete overhaul in order to focus the design

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been reviewing "Duel Botz", a game that came to me within 24 hours time. It came very quick and I should have known that there would be challenges to this design.

The goal of this design was to use Polyhedral dice to track various aspects of your robots. While this sounds noble and interesting... The reality is that it's going to take more time to firm up this design.

Why? Because dice as stats is BORING!!! Even rolling the dice just is not good enough for what I hope to achieve.

Prospector — I decided to have a dedicated BLOG for this "Expansion"

So as some of you know, I decided to DESIGN a Splendorous "Expansion"... What does that imply or mean?

PoA — I "streamlined" the design

I know I already sent Stephen (@let-off studios) a message concerning "Plains of Aria" (PoA) and it is VERY important.

I have a spreadsheet with over 200+ tiles and realized that this was TOO MUCH. I was having a hard time doing the production sheet for the Manufacturer because honestly there were too many possibilities.

But a couple nights ago, I "streamlined" the design and have come out to a TOTAL of 75 unique tile designs!!! This is a BREAKTHRU... Because now things seem much more MANAGEABLE.

I need to work on packaging NEXT... And I will do this during this week.

Monster Keep: Making the cut!

I just wanted to report that the current version of "Monster Keep" (MK) that was trimmed and streamlined ... may yet make the cut! I feel like the game while it is in it's simplest form is ... in need of some more TLC TBH because it's more analytical and has much more depth with regards to the strategy.

Monster Keep: Another day, another prototype

A short while ago, I decided that I was going to BENCH (and therefore stop working on) "Monster Keep" (MK). Why? Because "Crystal Heroes" (CH) is based on Medieval Fantasy and I felt that having MK with the same type of "theme" might be no good (too much repetition). Although CH is very different than MK, that aspect of the theme being similar had me thinking that there was little VALUE in the MK franchise.

G.I. Joe — Hand of Fate: New start with an amazing concept

So I have been working, here-and-there, on a NEW "design" which could potentially have like up to 8-Players in a game or perhaps more where the only real barrier is the TIME taken to PLAY the game. Right now the goal is 60 minutes or 1 hour.

And I have to admit, I'm fairly excited about this game also!

Using offline Deck-Construction, each player builds his deck of 15 Units and 3 Structures for a total of 18 cards per Deck.

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by Dr. Radut