Hi all,
I'm not sure whether there is a large UK userbase here or not, but I thought I would share this event taking place on Saturday anyway. I'll be attending to demo my work-in-progress.
On Saturday April 7th The Sharp Project is hosting North West Playtesters – a day of game development, testing and feedback for the Manchester indie games community.
The day will start with a showcase of unpublished games by developers and designers from across the Manchester indie dev scene. These are games that are still under development — actively going through change. All attendees are welcome to come and play these games and give constructive criticism to the developers.
After lunch there will be a panel discussion with some prominent members of the industry in the North West including: Daley Johnson (Community Manager at Rare), Anna Whitehead (Director of Ingenium Games), Luke Thompson (Co-Founder of SigTrap Games) and another Dan Birchinall (Inspyro VR).
The discussion will be about handling feedback from your audience and from your peers, touching upon the difference between constructive and destructive criticism and, on the darker side, how sites like twitter make it easier to see toxic feedback. The panel will be hosted by Simon Smith, ex-Sony game designer with titles under his belt such as Colin McRae Rally and Reservoir Dogs, now the founder of his own studio: Thumbfood.
After the panel discussion, playtesting will resume until 5pm.
Eventbrite registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/playtesters-at-the-sharp-project-tickets-...
Hope to see you there!