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Reverse Engineering in my hobby game

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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

While it seems to work decently for the RTS. And there we don't really have issue's with stupidity. I wonder if this holds true for my boardgame.

It regards my hobby wargame to begin with.
I reverse engineer the stats. Meaning, I begin with a basic design. There will be a cost, calculated linear. For the units that is.

But then, the factor between the body and weapon are considered. Based on this, the lowest value will get a buff.

Let me give some examples first, before asking the question.

A normal infantry unit has a body of value 50 and a weapon of value 50. The total cost is 100. And the factor of the body/weapon is 1. There is no buff.

A grenadier has a body of value 40 and a weapon of value 160, the total cost will be 200. The factor is 4. We take the square root of this. And multiply the body value by it. So, in a sense, the grenadier will have a body of value 80 instead.

A wall has only a body of value 50. No weapon. The factor is infinite, but this factor would be placed on the weapon. Which is 0. So, it remains 0.


The question regards the specialists. Actually, the glass cannons.

I got a little list of units that would cost the same. They are going to cost 1300 each. And are in a sense relatively strong.

Body - BodyReal - Weapon
650 - 650 - _650
490 - 630 - _810
400 - 600 - _900
320 - 560 - _980
260 - 520 - 1040
130 - 390 - 1170
_90 - 330 - 1210
_50 - 250 - 1250
_20 - 160 - 1280

As you can see, the body value declines fast. But the feeling that I have around these glass cannons is weird.

When the weapon value reaches above 1200. The extra damage isn't much. We go from 1210 to 1250 (+40) and then 1280 (+30).
The Body value is -40 and -30. But the BodyReal value would be -80 and - 90.
While declining fast. In the last step, the design value goes from 50 to 20. Or a -60% decrease.
The BodyReal value would actually only losing 36%.

Another way to look at this is:
90 to 330 is a factor 3.7
50 to 250 is a factor 5
20 to 160 is a factor 8

This still feels wrong to me. Does it feel wrong to you?
You could imagine that the weapon value divided by 10 is the actual damage in the game.

What do you think? How should I encourage players to pick the last design and not the one 2 prior.
Should I find a way to increase the damage value as well? But by how much?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Glass cannons being what they are ... Might matter?!

So in that TABLE you go to 20 / 160 / 1280. If this is a Glass Cannon, I would continue DOWN to the closest of 1 HP for the Body AS POSSIBLE. Why? Because to me a REAL "Glass cannon" should have 1 HP and the maximum Weapon Damage.

Doing some more analysis, I get the following VALUES:

_10 - 114 - 1290
__5 - _80 - 1295
__1 - _36 - 1299

That "1 HP" Body vs. BodyReal vs. Weapon Damage makes the most sense to me... As it amounts to the minimum value of the HP component (Body) and we can compare with the BodyReal which is 36 ONLY.

If I was operating with "Glass Cannons", I would use those values.

Furthermore, I don't think it should be a choice. When you CONFIGURE a "Glass Cannon", the Body should be "1 HP". The weapon factor is conditional based on the overall scoring of the "Body + Weapon", in this case 1300 Points (COST).

How you came up with "1300" Points is unknown to me!?

But I think that it's worthwhile to discuss what the value for the Weapon is in relation to the Body.

In simpler terms, the Body of a Glass Cannon should ALWAYS be "1 HP". There is no "configuration". Glass Cannons are what they are and there should be rules to support HOW these units are DEFINED.

Again I don't know why the value of "1300" was chosen as the COST of this unit, I could have instead say "1500" Points and I would get:

__1 - _39 - 1499

I would summarize therefore that the "1 HP" remains a CONSTANT and that players may CUSTOMIZE the "DAMAGE FACTOR" of the "Weapon".

So my conclusion is that perhaps you should have HARD CODED values for BODIES according to the Unit and work out the "DAMAGE FACTOR" ahead of time to see what produces the "correct" Body + Weapon TOTAL (which is the COST of the unit).

This would be my approach: HARD CODE the BODY and work out the "RealBody" from the preset "Weapon" value (or Damage Factor being the total amount).

Maybe you could have a TABLE with 3 PRESETS of the Body/Weapon. Like:

Infantry #1: 50 HP - 50 HP - 50 Damage, COST = 100.
Variant #2: 40 HP - 50 HP - 60 Damage, COST = 100.
Variant #3: 60 HP - 50 HP - 40 Damage, COST = 100.

Instead of FULL CUSTOMIZABILITY, only allow 3-Variants for each UNIT. This induces a CHOICE and makes it FEEL like there is more going on under-the-hood and that players are make the decision as to what their UNITS will be and how they will perform ...

Something like that. I get it the COST is PREDEFINED. I just don't KNOW or UNDERSTAND why it is "1300" instead of say "1500"?!?! And it varies per unit. How do you establish those value (COST), that IDK.

So your problem about choosing the RIGHT "Glass Cannon" is irrelevant. With a HARD CODED "1 HP" Body (only one variant) that suggest 1299 Weapon/Damage and the Infantry unit shows three (3) possible variations.

Furthermore, since this is a Board Game and not an RTS or Video Game; making there be some VARIANTS makes sense but FULL CUSTIMIZATION is a LOSS of TIME. You could say this could lead to "Analysis-Paralysis" given that the players don't know WHAT(?) they should choose.

Simplifying the process with a FEW (3 MAXIMUM) variations on the units, leads to a version which ALLOWS SOME customization but offers a LIMITED amount of choices instead of AP.

That's all I got for now. You need to realize that in Board & Card Games, it's more about CHOICES and NOT FULL CUSTIMIZATION. I can picture the Infantry example with three (3) VARIANTS make 100% sense. And it could matter in the case of what is the better choice for the units that I am facing off against.

Again this is my conclusion with regards to your Board Game and not the RTS Video Game. Video game can allow more customization, it's easy in that platform. But in a Board Game, you should ALWAYS work with LIMITED CHOICES and simple to understand VARIATIONS of the UNITS.

Again that's how I see it. You may feel differently.

Cheers @X3M!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

In the case of a Video Game... I doubt players have enough TIME IN-GAME to customize EACH UNIT when they "Build it". Sounds more like an OUT-OF-BATTLE context where the players can "tweak" and "customize" the various units.

There is only one serious CAVEAT with this concept:

questccg wrote:
You can have inferior units for the opponent you are battling against. Since it varies per GAME, you may choose to customize in such a way which is INFERIOR in terms of Opposing UNITS which may be configured and tweaked in such a manner that your units are WEAKER...

Your Deck might have been masterfully crafter but in it and itself, your Deck has a specific METHOD of play. The game is won on the merits of the Deck-Construction rather than the ACTUAL PLAY of the Deck which could be like Mana-Screwed or Mana-Flooded or not getting the right cards at the right time. All RANDOM factors which are due to the CARD DRAWING from your Deck.

I see a SIMILAR FLAW with FULL Body/Weapon customization.

Again it's not an IN-GAME activity. While you are playing your RTS... You don't have TIME to CUSTOMIZE each UNIT for a specific BUILD up of units. And your preset choices may be inferior to your opponent's selection.

So it's like bringing the WRONG Deck to a Duel. As simple as that...

Again maybe the VARIANT idea could work in the RTS as well. Why? Because when you BUILD you could have 3 choices of the units you want to build. No Analysis-Paralysis and it's NOT the end of the world if your units are weaker in some sense to your opponent's army.

All you need to do is REBUILD and this time with units that can COUNTER the enemy's troops. While this method could be an IN-GAME SELECTION, I don't see HOW it would be possible to have FULL CUSTOMIZATION DURING PLAY... That my friend would lead to Analysis-Paralysis.

OFF-LINE and/or OUT-OF-GAME, makes some sense... But I shared with you the PROBLEM with brining the wrong troops and being stuck with them during a battle you might not win because of HOW(?) you customized your units.

So maybe CUSTOMIZATION is not the GREATEST idea... Maybe offering VARIANTS IN-GAME is a better method of playing and offering variability to the players.

That's my opinion and I've presented real FACTS on how it can be real BORING or a TOTAL LOSS, if you choose the WRONG settings for your army...

Best of luck(!?) with your Board & Card Game and/or Video Game!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some additional thoughts

I also was working on CONNECTING "Weapons" with a "Unit" in my card game. But I too abandoned this kind of customization for reasons outside of the realm of the game itself.

My decision was based on the fact that I could NOT get AI Generated ART for "weapons". Yeah we all know what a LASER looks like. Ask an AI to generate me a LASER ... And Fnck that... Sh!t... is the end result.

So for my purposes, I got RID of the "WEAPONS" and will ONLY stick to the "Units" which I can generate ART for them. Again it's not 100%, but it's MUCH BETTER than the images for LASERS, MACHINE GUNS, MISSLES, etc. You get the idea I'm sure...

Furthermore, I decided that the game WAS and WILL BE a "Trading Card Game" (TCG).

But there were issues with how I wanted the game to SOLD. I was struggling with the 18 Card per sheet dilemma and came to the conclusion that I would MAKE my OWN Decks and Customize the Packs sold to consumers.

This leads me to think that ... Each Deck will have a STRATEGY ... But the end price would be significantly HIGHER than a normal booster pack. Why? Because with ONE (1) Pack ... You have all you need to play and there is a pre-defined Deck Strategy. Of course, OFF-LINE and OUT-OF-GAME it's a matter of figuring out what that is... And sure you can buy more than one (1) Pack but it's not like Boosters.

I'm thinking a higher price point, because of the physical effort of customizing and personalizing each DECK. Now IF you have more than one Deck and you like a certain strategy... That's where the TCG aspect comes into play:

You can TRADE several cards for a CARD to IMPROVE the SYNERGY of your DECK...!

That's why I am branding it a TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) because the purpose of customizing your DECK is from trading with other players.

So yeah, even myself, I abandoned the "Body + Weapon" concept in MY card game... Because it just didn't work for me (as explained above).


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

I had to RE-DESIGN the "core" of the game and figure out what are MY priorities with that TCG ... Since I got RID of "Body + Weapon" concept (which at that time I thought was very COOL and very promising), I had to re-think what was going to be the HIGH POINT of the game. Meaning what was going to be the HOOK of the game.

Much like you, I had thought that the "Body + Weapon" combination could lead to a lot of VARIATIONS and could lead to some exciting OFF-LINE customization.

But coming to the realization that I won't be able to COMPLETE and MAKE that game, I decided to re-focus the game and came up with another concept that I had suggested for another designer. What do I mean???

Well I suggested to @FrankM to think about COMBOs and how various units could interact with each other. I decided that the suggestion that I had offered for HIS game (he probably won't be using it anyhow...), I decided to apply it to my TCG and that's where I am at TODAY!

I have therefore shifted from thinking about how to CUSTOMIZE and now how to create SYNERGIES between the various units. Of course this does NOT apply to your Board & Card Game... I'm just explaining what the result and outcome was after the whole "Body + Weapon" IDEA TANKED!


X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Several aspects, different than the RTS

Whohaaah, lots of response there!
I should addres certain aspects first.


The cost of 1300 is simply due to having nice round numbers.
I happen to know these out of my head. All numbers are powers of 2. And added up gives a number that fits an X number of times in 130.
As for multiplying it all by 10 would be due to the way of me designing the game.
1 basic health (at movement speed 2) is worth 10 in that game.

I am sure that you understand now, that the 20 value was originally like 2 health. And a simple rifleman already had roughly a 40% chance in sniping this unit. Imagine what 13 of those rifleman could do.
Now then, the modification would be 160, thus 16 health.


Most games have their units categorized like this:
Normal units are 1:1 in their stats.
Support units are 1:root("H/D-ratio").
Glass cannons are 1:"H/D-ratio".

Let's say that the ratio is 9.
The normal are 1:1, support are 1:3 and glass cannons are 1:9.

This is only my viewpoint from analysing it all.
I know that you said 1 hp for a glass cannon. It is actually roughly 1 hit for sniping it on equal value. So, a 1300 glass cannon would be a glass cannon versus a 1300 costing tank.
So, any health is possible. And players often think of the siege tank of starcraft as a glass cannon in certain situations. Just to give you an idea.


I didn't mention that players would NOT be designing their own units.

They are NOT designing the units.

I am still experimenting. And seeing this power shift. I don't think they should be designing. I will give them the options.


Your math is correct!
Just wanted to mention that.

In my bed, I thought of another way to see these numbers. In the board game the cover mechanic still holds. So, the pairs total damage and survivability also count. I meed to compare these to the original concept.
And this should show why I only adjust 1 portion of the designs.

Main objective is still having a good choice for the players.

I meed to go now. But in 12 hours (earliest) i will put the list of efficiency of the pairs.

Thus a 650-650 with a 650-650.
Compaired with for example a 50-1250 with 1250-50.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
OMG I got the MATH right! Hehehe. Yeah I learn too...

X3M wrote:
1. The cost of 1300 is simply due to having nice round numbers.

Okay! X number of times in 130. Still a bit weird... But anyhow...!

X3M wrote:
2. Normal 1:1, Support 1:Root("H/D-ratio)", Glass 1:"H/D-ratio".

Let's say that the ratio is 9.
The normal are 1:1, support are 1:3 and glass cannons are 1:9.

Okay! Got it...

X3M wrote:
3. I didn't mention that players would NOT be designing their own units.

They are NOT designing the units.

I am still experimenting. And seeing this power shift. I don't think they should be designing. I will give them the options.

Okay! That's good ... Because even with OFF-LINE full customization, you can still run into the "You brought the WRONG Deck to the duel" issue. Meaning you might waste time thinking you perfect your units and then when you battle an opponent, you realize all your customization vs. this opponent was WRONG.

Good. That's better... OPTIONS = GOOD, CUSTOMIZATION = BAD! We agree!

X3M wrote:
4. Your math is correct! Just wanted to mention that.

I learn from some of the stuff you post. It's not pure brain farts on my end.

X3M wrote:
Main objective is still having a good choice for the players.

Yes I agree too... The right choices should be available and that will make the game feel more OPEN too! If you have some VARIANTs and you go to BATTLE with them and the opponent just rips through them... You'll know what you need the opposite forces to counter that army and you'll have a chance to rebuild your forces and address that army (the one that ripped into your forces)...

X3M wrote:
Thus a 650-650 with a 650-650.

Compared with for example a 50-1250 with 1250-50.

I don't know if I would entertain those dualities! But anyhow feel free to express yourself and do some of that analysis. I'm not promising that we will understand everything. But at least if I have to read in diagonal, I'll do that. But I'm not sure you really WANT that. However that analysis may yield some interesting combinations too...

I can't promise we'll understand everything... But we'll try!


X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
While at work

So not asleep. But chaotic either way.

I noticed something weird.

And probably, I made some mistake somewhere in my thought process.

If you look at the 2nd option. It says 490 body, 810 weapon. And thus according to the logic, 630 for the real body:

490 x 810 < 650 x 650
630 x 810 > 650 x 650

I need to double check the RTS.

The factor should be based on some cost calculations.

I need to rework on this...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Back to the drawing board...

Back to the drawing board.

Seems I made a mistake during the translation.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
NOT for boardgames

I just found out that the way of increasing health and/or damage. In regards to the costs of units.

AND maintaining a good balance. But also nice round figures.

Is limited to such an extend. That it is nearly impossible.

The only way is to get 50-50 units. And occasionly the simplest of support/meat designs.
Where the body ratio to weapon is 1:4 or 4:1.
Thus....skipping stuff. And designing is no fun this way.

Either way. If I use my clean calculation.
We get infinities.

If I use an average with the original cost.
We need to multiply the body AND weapon with a factor.

And if we ignore the higher value and multiply the lower value with the clean factor (which I was testing last 2 weeks). I get either over powered mid-levels. OR super support still being too weak.

The best thing to do is having the average with the original cost. Like what I luckily did for the RTS.


X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
8 )

So, why that 8??

I took a completely different route.
And started from scratch.

Not sure yet how players would react. But let me put down some ground rules.

The cost is still the body + weapon.
This time, the difference of the values is used.

Then....I divide this by 8.
It turns out that this gives the best numbers.
But we are not there yet.
The result is actually added to both the body and weapon. Simply an addition.

An example would be a rocket soldier having 30 body and 270 weapon points.
The difference is 240. Divided by 8 gives 30.
We add this 30 to both body and weapon. Resulting into 60 for the body and 300 for the weapon.
The cost remains 300.
These are very good numbers for me to work with.

Another example would be a grenadier. The goal is a cost of 150.
We take an initial value of 55 for the body and 95 for the weapon.
I know, I know.... these values look like shit.
But with the recalculations. I get to a body of 60 and weapon of 100. And these numbers are excellent as well.

As for the efficiency. Dividing by 8 gives a top of 106.7%. This is acceptable. And turns out to be linked to that one design of the grenadier.

For now, there are 2 interesting things happening that regard this method.

1. I need to make a table to see all my options for a certain goal cost. This is....ok. but perhaps I need to find a reverse engineering method. Either way. I just got a lot of options.

2. 100% glass cannons that initial have no health??? This is ok. After the modifying, I get 12.5% body points and 112.5% health points. The efficiency of a glass cannon is now 56.25%.

3. Rogue projectiles and walls will get the other portion added to the main.
Thus they are 125% now.
Not sure how well this goes in the balance. But seeing as how in my boardgame, walls are simply extra health. This should proof well.

4. I still need to check several glass cannon choices. I will come back on this, if it is succefull or a failure.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
No glass cannons???

Seems that I don't have glass cannons this way??

The minimal health is 1/8th of the total cost.
Changing o so slightly in this however only changes o so slightly in the damage as well...

When I looked at the option of "1" and "2" health. I was expecting a huge jump in the damage output as well.

This latter went much better in my original attempt game, a decade ago. Where walls are like a factor 2 instead of 1.25.

So....back to the drawing board?

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Applying the boost to damage instead?

Well then. I have a better idea.
Instead of boosting the health of glass cannons. What about actually boosting the damage instead?

The balance would remain the same. But the boost would increase visually.

However, 0 health or 0 damage units. Should not get an infinite boost on the other part.

That is where I blinded myself from other options.

So, I need to find a way to make the boost on the higher value. AND make sure there are no infinities.

Designing a weapon also has 1 more factor AND can be split into 2 or even 3 portions, thus more options.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Maybe this will work

I looked at both weapon and body adjustment. But then I removed the body adjustment while applying the weapon adjustment twice.

Let's say, the adjustment is to the power of 2.
There are the ones that I know from my head.

Body points - Weapon points
650 - _650
490 - 1000
_50 - 2450
_20 - 2645

All round numbers, I could reproduce the entire table again. The top designs have close to 118% efficiency.
The last example of 20 health points has an efficiency of 12.5%. Which is a huge increase from the original 6%.

I need to keep in mind that having these units with some protection will increase their usefullness.

Still...going from 50 down to 20 health points. Only to gaine 200 more damage points is kinda silly? Then again. The teams of 2, where meat is defeated first, would show this:

Lower meat with lower glass cannon
2450 * (2450+50) + 50 * 2450 = 6,247,500
Higher meat with higher glass cannon
2645 * (2645+20) + 20 * 2645 = 7,101,825
Lower meat with higher glass cannon
2450 * (2645+50) + 20 * 2645 = 6,655,650
higher meat with lower glass cannon
2645 * (2450+20) + 50 * 2450 = 6,655,650

In the long run, the glassiest of cannons are better.
Maybe I should accept the midsection as how it is now. 18% is like almost 1/5th.

Which glass cannon would you choose?

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Back from the drawing board

Everything above...has been scrapped.

And I made some decisions.

Since it is all math based. I am not going to bother you with it.

One decision is that I let go of my ocd in regards of exact numbers.
Rounding numbers while designing is a thing now. The "imbalance" is less than 1%. And you need to play 30 games in order to notice a difference... I wonder why it took so long for me to notice this.

As for the method of calculating. I picked one that is based on the efficiency of a design itself.
Nitpicking on which glass cannon is best, is now part of the past. And it only exist in a region of a spectrum that is not accessable by the unit stats.

I could make an update on the first list. But I figured, no one would care tbh.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
We're always interested in a NEW update or new changes!

X3M wrote:
Everything above...has been scrapped.

Ok ... So some re-engineering going on for sure!...

...I could make an update on the first list. But I figured, no one would care tbh.

Of course everyone cares... You should update us with periodic news about how things are going and what direction you are going in...!

Many people find your content very engaging even if we don't understand all of the details. It's still interesting to read and (maybe) ask questions.

The pure and simple reality is that anything you will post will get read. But not all posts will get replies. But as @lewpuls (Dr. Lew) re-iterated in terms of getting "blocked" it's important to TAKE NOTES, RE-READ NOTES and sometimes even ask for feedback or ideas from the community. It helps clear up mental clutter and allows both your design to bloom and you mind to be less wrapped up in some kind of brain-fogginess which is due to some ideas you have yet to express or explore.

The bottom line: if you want to maintain working on your wargame (whichever: public or private, etc.) it's good to share news and updates because people do want to know what you are up to... And like I said, sometimes we don't understand everything you are talking about... Most of the time, at least I can understand or ask questions...

Anyhow is here in the event you still want to share news and updates.

Cheers @X3M!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote: Of course

questccg wrote:

Of course everyone cares... You should update us with periodic news about how things are going and what direction you are going in...!

Well, my life is very busy. Working on this game is the last thing I do now.

Anyway. In order to understand the numbers. I copy RTS games. The ones where you have 1 resource like in C&C, Tiberian Sun, KKnD etc. Even though, other games can simply be part of the big story as well.

Know that I divide the stats of units into 2 groups. Body points and weapon points.
A rifleman costs 100. And we have 50 points in body stats and 50 points in weapon stats.
When ignoring the weight costs of movement and attack range. You can clearly see that you can calculate efficiency points.
For a rifleman, this is body*weapon= 50 * 50 = 2,500.
The numbers grow big fast. Since a tank would be for example 300 * 300 = 90,000

This efficiency is literly the influence an unit can have on the game. While it is being destroyed.
If there are 2 units fighting together. 1 gets destroyed first, then the other. Calculations go a bit differently now.
The one being destroyed is 50*50=2,500.
The second one normally gets the same. But also gets extra efficiency points.

We add everything up and see that an army of 2 infantry has 7,500 efficiency points.

Reverse engineering shows us that you need 8 of these infantry in order to destroy one tank. Both sides would be having 90,000 efficiency points.

This "balancing" is done for most RTS in the form of playtesting. Because other factors are included like size collision, movement speed, attack range, pathfinding(yes indeed). But for a boardgame, all I need are just the body and weapon points.

Now, how did I get to the maximum should be 1?
A 50-50 design is the best balanced design.
We get 2,500 points for this. Divide by 2,500. And we get 1.
Divide by 25, and we get 100. Which can be seen as a percentage.
Perhaps I should call it the efficiency index.

No matter the cost. They get their individual max efficiency of 1. Because it is based on the average 50-50 design in percentage. A tank of 600? 300*300=90,000. We divide by 90,000. And get 1 again.

How do other designs compare?
20-80 or 80-20. They die fast, or hardly deal damage. The efficiency points are 20*80=1600.
This is divided by 2,500 = 0,64. Or 64%.
Now, if I multiply both the body and the weapon for reaching 100%. I need to keep in mind that the efficiency is a multiplication. Thus the adjustment needs to be a square root of things. While the true efficiency is only 64%. The "cost efficiency" is 80%.
To get to 100%. I need the factor 1.25.

We get 25 for the body and 100 for the weapon now. But what is the efficiency?
25*100=2,500 efficiency points. And we rebalanced the other design perfectly.

A tank of the same levels?
120 * 480 = 57,600
Divided by 90,000 = 0.64

The efficiency index is always calculated by having the efficiency score divided by the most optimal efficiency score.

However, this method doesn't work for walls or rogue projectiles. Since there is either no weapon or body.
And the score and index are all 0.

So, we look at the practical balance instead.


Players don't shoot walls if there is a support unit nearby.
Players can't even shoot at rogue projectiles.

Thus, the cover mechanic I had in my boardgame. If I wanted to get rid of it. I should make sure that my designs where somewhat more balanced.
I can't calculate the costs at body+weapon.
I can't calculate the costs at body*weapon.

But I sure can make a mix out of it. And that is what I did.

My best results so far is 5 portions of "cost efficiency" and 1 portion of "linear cost". Divided by 6.
For the 20-80 design, I got 83.33 as cost. But bringing it back to 100. Would be a factor of 1.2.

The new stats are 24 and 96.
24 * 96 = 2304
And the new index is 0.9216
Which is 1.44 times better.

Perfect? No.
Practical balanced? Yes.

Because the higher stats do give more advantages in movement and attack range weights as well.

My time has run out. But I hope this was easy to follow. It is the basis to understanding the previous list. But also the list that is comming. I think tomorrow. Or maybe the day after. Unless I got time and braincells avaiable at work today.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Unit stats; old, new and efficiency indexes

Instead of a cost of 1300. I went back to 1200.

There will be rounding up now.

The most optimal unit design, costing 1200.
Would have 600 body points and 600 weapon points.
And an efficiency index of 1.
Maybe I should call it E.I. in short.


I realise that simply giving body and weapon points doesn't mean much to the ones reading.
I would be giving too much information, if I were to flesh it all out on the spot.
Just know that the body is "3" times bigger than the weapon. In other words, a health/damage ratio of 3 is applied.

I will show a list, where the body portions are parts of the 600.
Thus for example, 300. Which is literly half of 600. The weapon will do something interesting already. One would expect 900 points. But due to the rebalance, it is going to be 1115 points at most.

The E.I. goes from 0.866 to 0.964. It doesn't win in a 1 on 1 fight with the most optimal design. But it sure did reduce the difference from 0.134 down to 0.036.


All unit costs are 1200 here. The list ends at the weakest body design that is possible at the moment. This means a movement speed of 1 with only 1 hit point The bodies remain fixed on their intended value. I only adjust the weapons here.

The list:
600 - _600 - 1.000 - 600 - 1.000
300 - _900 - 0.866 -1115 - 0.964
200 - 1000 - 0.745 -1508 - 0.915
150 - 1050 - 0.661 -1822 - 0.871
120 - 1080 - 0.600 -2081 - 0.833
100 - 1100 - 0.553 -2302 - 0.800
_75 - 1125 - 0.484 -2659 - 0.744
_60 - 1140 - 0.435 -2940 - 0.700
_50 - 1150 - 0.400 -3169 - 0.663
_40 - 1160 - 0.359 -3446 - 0.619
_30 - 1170 - 0.312 -3795 - 0.562
_25 - 1175 - 0.286 -4009 - 0.528
_24 - 1176 - 0.280 -4056 - 0.520
_20 - 1180 - 0.256 -4160 - 0.486
_15 - 1185 - 0.222 -4567 - 0.436
_12 - 1188 - 0.199 -4790 - 0.400
_10 - 1190 - 0.182 -4962 - 0.371
__8 - 1192 - 0.163 -5160 - 0.339
__0 - 1200 - 0.000 -7200 - 0.000

I shall discus the numbers in the next post. Where I zoom in on some specific comparable situations.

The 8, 10 and 12.
The 20, 25 and 30.
The 40, 50 and 60.
The 24 and 25.
The 10, 20 and 30.
The 0 and 8.
The 300 and 600.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
The zoom in

Lets begin with the glass cannons in question.

There is still a little cheat here. But before that...
The first set would be that of the 8, 10 and 12 body points.

As infantry, the armor set is that of 1.
The health is... also 1.
The movement speed is 1, 2 or 3 for the 8, 10 or 12 body points.

Now then...understanding how little 1 hit point can be. It really depends on what a normal unit design of that proportion has as health.

The normal body points is supposed to be 600.
This is ridiculous high compared to only 8 for certain.

600 body points at movement speed 1 has:
75 hit points of tier 1.
150 HP of tier 2.
225 HP of tier 3.
+75 HP per tier.

The body of 8. Has only 1 HP per tier.
And in a sense, this is a cheat due to the fact that the design can have any tier. Which would be any HP.

No worries here. We got a cheat weapon as well.
In stead of the accuracy being only 50% for example. The damage factor would be 50%. As soon as the "cheat" health comes in, a design of "cheat" damage is also added. I got this covered within a minute (mhuhahahaha).


The real discussion starts now. The damages.

8, 10 and 12

We only gained 2 weapon points with the 2 body points being removed.
2 damage points where nothing. And thus the whole discussion started at the "Whyyyyyyyyeeeeyyy?!?!" even choose it??

The new weapon points are:
_12 - 1188 - 0.199 -4790 - 0.400
_10 - 1190 - 0.182 -4962 - 0.371
__8 - 1192 - 0.163 -5160 - 0.339

Well...we don't have to look at the old and new E.I. for sure. Only that it kinda doubles at this level. Which is a good thing. But it doesn't mean anything for the reader here.
And nor does it really to me. We are really watching the nether region of the list.

The body points are 1 HP for each. (unless the "cheats" are allowed) But the designs allow for a movement of 1, 2 or 3.

As for the new weapon value's...
-4790 for the fastest.
-4962 for the normal.
-5160 for the slowest.
The differences are:
-172 for the first 2.
-198 for the second 2.
-And of course 370 between the first and third.

Roughly, this means dealing damage at normal values... A difference of 4.8, 5.5 and even 10.3 difference in dealing damage.
That doesn't mean much. But on average it is either 1 or 2 infantry kills on average. (basic infantry have 5 health)
The basic total? At 4790, we got 133 damage or 27 infantry kills.

Ok, so we got a total of 27, 28 kills on average. Depending on the movement speed. Comming from a total of 36 soldiers. What remains are 9 or 8 infantry.

Well then, that is actually a big difference?? Not really.
But the question might return, "Whyyyyyyyyeeeeyyy?!?!"

Well....compared to the original numbers....
1188 to 1192 as weapon points, simply meant a solid 33 damage on average. Or in short, standard infantry kills was only...7....

Yes, 7. And there was no clear choice at all. In the old situation you could have 29 soldiers survive the first strike.

I mean, in the long run, you could choose between letting 9 live, or only 8. And the movement speed was either 1, 2 or 3.

I am still talking about the basic attack range here. But it clearly shows that playing with the movement speed in the glass cannon spectrum. Shows a difference in damage...
Not much, but it is noticable.

Keep in mind, this regards units of cost 1200. And the targetted squad has 36 soldiers standing.
The new system reduces from 29 survivors down to 8 to 9 survivors.


In terms of percentage. We went from 0.3% up to 7% difference.
So, this 7% is THE choice that we have at the glass cannons spectrum.

We are...really close to the rogue projectiles though.
Personally, I would choose the one with a movement of 3.

But knowing that movement speed is involved here. The E.I. kinda changes. For 8, it remains the same. But the other E.I. will go down for certain. And the ones based on only body points go down too.
It would be recalculated based on that 8. And they would be slightly less efficient on direct combat.
Well, that is kinda bullshit. Let's do it differently now.

If we need only 1 damage... We can look at the attack ranges instead.

Ehm...ok, 24 hexagons difference. Let's put it that way.

In a sense. A movement speed of 3 needs 8 turns to move that far. And only then it can start returning fire. It does mean that the slowest glass cannon simply has the advantage of the best attack range.
Then again, an attack range of 342 hexagons doesn't exist.
Would be funny though....

I think that having a nice balance between damage and attack range would show the best choices.
Still...the "Whyyyyyyyyeeeeyyy?!?!" is finally being a discussion here.

Oh, on a side note:
I forgot to add that I looked at the damage as if they are targetting infantry units.
But if you think of the difference of killing 1 HP units. The difference of 370 in damage points is certainly a difference of 6 units on top of a minimum of 80 average.
The original had no difference...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
20, 25 and 30

_30 - 1170 - 0.312 -3795 - 0.562
_25 - 1175 - 0.286 -4009 - 0.528
_20 - 1180 - 0.256 -4160 - 0.486

Clearly we are now talking about the movement speeds of 1, 2 and 3. But this time, we got tier 2.5.
I think we got HP of 6 this time. Which is still an instant kill from tier 2.5 or higher.
However, anti infantry weaponry are dealing with something that is comparable to a heavy infantry unit. Who have often 6 HP instead of 5 HP.

Or... orrrr....
We have 6, 9 or 12 health, all tier 2.5 and a movement of only 1.
Or... orrrr....
We have 4, 6 or 8 health, all tier 2.5 and a movement of 3.

You know what. We got a lot of choices here.
But what is best?

With the E.I. being doubled. But between them, not much difference any more. 3795, 4009 or 4160 weapon points. We get a lot of difference again.

Keep in mind, the basis is smaller this time.
Not by much, but still.
9.6% between the 2 extremes here.

I could repeat the same discussion again. But I will not. We got choices, not only in movement speed. But also in health this time.

365 is the biggest difference. Very similar to the 370 previously. The basis is however going down from 4790 to 3795. Hence, the choice is actually bigger now.

Tier 2.5 is also comparable with super light tanks. I guess I can say, these are the true glass cannons. And the previous discussed 3 were super civilians.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
40, 50 and 60

_60 - 1140 - 0.435 -2940 - 0.700
_50 - 1150 - 0.400 -3169 - 0.663
_40 - 1160 - 0.359 -3446 - 0.619

This time the maximum difference is even 506 in weapon points. On basis of a 2940 weapon points. The extremes are 17.2% appart.

We have finally arrived at the "normal" bodies.
We can have for example 3 infantry units of tier 1. Each with 5 HP and then a movement of 1, 2 or 3. OR...Each with a movement of 2 with 4, 5 or 6 HP.

Either way goes. But know that 4 HP can be instant killed a low chances by normal rifles. 6 HP almost always needs at least 2 rounds to be defeated.

Not only that, but tier 1 can take any fire in this regard. Where our tier 2.5 could still be insta killed by tier 2.5 or higher weapons. The new list is clearly having differences in HP now.

Well, that is short. Maybe I should add that while we are still looking at glass cannons. The intended damage has almost halved already.
And now comes the true reason I am calculating like this.

Comparing 60 with 8. Means a big difference in health etc.???
Well, maybe so. But the weapon points were originally going down from 1192 to 1140. Which is only 52. Not 2220!!!
You can think of this as a difference of roughly 1 or 37 damage difference on normal ranged weaponry.
Or NO kills or 7 kills difference.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
24 and 25 (?!?)

_25 - 1175 - 0.286 -4009 - 0.528
_24 - 1176 - 0.280 -4056 - 0.520

1 body point difference....
1 damage difference....

This is the smallest difference. It is only 1% on the weapon points.



I don't know man.... I don't know what else there is than that 1 damage difference....
It is still a difference!

But I guess, this is roughly the same as finding any use between a 600 and 599 choice in the body, with weapons of 600 and then 601....

This is a dead corner. And to be honest. There is not much difference in the body points either.

Except for the fact that the designs can't line up for the bodies due to the 24 and 25.

We arived at the square root of 600 you people!!!

That is the only reason why we hit a corner of the choice being no choice because there is no reason for having a choice in the first all is good.

No! the whole ordeal was based on the designs closest to 0 body points. Which brings us to the next comparrison.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
10, 20 and 30

Normal movement speeds !!!!
Health being 1, 2 or 3 !!!!

_30 - 1170 - 0.312 -3795 - 0.562
_20 - 1180 - 0.256 -4160 - 0.486
_10 - 1190 - 0.182 -4962 - 0.371

While prevously we saw that the minimum difference is 1% at the square root. In terms of weapon powerrrr...

We know that looking at that difference closer to a perfectly balance unit is even going worse. But at that level, we don't even need to choose, since the difference in body is also less. It doesn't make sense anymore to look at it. So let's look at the most! neat! basic! differences.

Yes, only 1, 2 or 3 hit points. While the basic infantry have 5 hit points.
The weapon powers? 3795, 4160 and 4962.
Between 3 and 2 hit points. The enemy has a chance of using 1 rifle man of cost 120. And it would be able to shoot and have a chance of 33% or 50% in order to kill your glass cannon.

That is a big difference. And in return, you have the choice of either dealing 63 or 69 damage with the same weapon. Again that difference of 1 soldier. But it is at 12 to 13 soldiers.
Now I got something interesting to share.
Of all the 1200 units. You can have 3 in a squad. Meaning you would be dealing enough damage to kill 36 to 39 soldiers.
Since the enemy has 36 at most. And seeing as how we are now shooting at 30 soldiers costing 120 each. This means we got overkill and overkillll.

Alright, lets assume the basic enemy squad was 36 soldiers. Then there is a chance of them surviving against one side, but loosing against another.

If that isn't enough. We got our little guy of 1 health. Who will even deal 83 damage. And this little guy will be able to harm 16 soldiers. So, when we have 2 of these, while 3 is the norm. We can actually whipe out an entire squad of 30 soldiers.

10 body points seems to be a very optimal glass cannon design when facing basic enemy infantry.

"It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon." - Negan

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
8....and 0

Ok, I am not going to share the list anymore....

Why compare these?

For starters. Walls and Rogue projectiles have something NOT in common.

Walls are simply health, HP, body, hmmmmm fles, foddertastic, etc. But also hieperdepieperpoopiebahhippyhitpoints.

7200 body points.
The normal ammount is only 1200 here.

Ok. I need to rectify. We don't have walls of a cost of 1200 tbh. But the cheapest one would have been cost of 30. With 5 HP and 0 movement. Now, that same wall would get 30 HP.
Thus 1 HP per cost.
Ok, 7200 HP in total for a blockade of tier 1. Clearly, they are useless now that cover mechanic is gone.
Then why even get them?

Well, the cover mechanic comes in a form of Event Cards...
And.... they still have a size attached to their stats.

Even though, multiplying their size by 8 while increasing their costs by.... I forgot.... 4?

Well, walls truly will be avaiable to cover the entire map.
It is one of those other regrettable parts of my design.

So...what was I going to talk about here?
Ah yes, bring along a wall with your glass cannon. And if you got that event card. Things turn out to be very, very shit for the enemy.

If the enemy has a twin design of support and meat. The one with the wall will survive easily. Yet the support and meat will certainly take as much damage as it can deal.

PS. you need to plan this well.

Either way....
Rogue projectiles are often 3 times more damage. Since you buy them for a 1 time use only. With their basis damage being multiplied by 6. The total comes to 18 times.

Clearly, in order to prevent this. You need to defeat the cappy one being able to produce these pieces of shit.

So, what is comparible?
The Reaver and scarabs compared to... I guess a marine?

The marine does 6 damage. The scarab does 122 damage. The difference is a cost of a factor of 3. And the damage factor is 20. So this difference is a total of 60. Not only that, but the scarabe does splash.

My factor 18 is less.
Not only that. But the production weight is like damage into costs. On average, if my reaver was to cost 1200. And 900 would go into the production. We got a 300 for each rogue projectile. And the weapon points here would be 1800 in terms of 1 bought rogue projectile. Hmmm.... that isn't entirely correct I think.

Well, production points should NOT be included in the weapon points? Or should they?
I don't want the rogue projectiles factor to be squared in terms of power.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
300 and 600

Half the body. Almost double the damage.

And here we are. Instead of 900, we get 1115 weapon points.

If these are put into rogue projectiles, then we get 11/9 as factor. And on top of it another factor of 18. Thus a total factor of 22 here...? Of course, you are paying 1115/3. per projectile. 371.... well, that isn't much compared to the 300.
But, we aren't getting exponentially more with producing other units either. So, we are going to ignore this now.


You want 180 of 360 hit points on your tank?
And then being able to deal 60 or 112 damage?

If you pick the normal tank of 360 hit points. You need 3 hits on the enemy tank. That same enemy tank needs 4 hits on your tank. That difference is very small now. But...very big at the same time. Why? The original support would deal 90 damage. Still 4 hits. But that would be on the level of tanks.
The true difference is now going from 900 to 1115 weapon points. Or 215.
Certainly, in terms of infantry units. Going from 3 or 4 kills to 4 or 5 kills on average. Is a big difference as well.


Well....I am done showing the interesting differences between the old and new designs.

One might ponder of why I went into so much trouble.
At least for the glassiest of cannons we got a noticble difference now. And most often, it is the attack range in that regard.

Well, if I where to look at the attack range for the one discussed in this single post. Then we would look at the same damage type. And perhaps going from an attack range of 2 up to 5.5 instead of up to 4. Yes, 1.5 more attack range means a lot. This is certainly also regarded to 1 extra shot at the normal stats.

And with 3 tanks. You could actually take out 1 enemy tank as well. Clearly the new system even supports the lowest classes of support units. You simply need to know where to look. The attack range.



PS. All this stuff above. You can do the same but then reverse the body with the weapon points. Enjoy the chaos that follows up, IFfff you managed to read it all.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
As if people read all of that...

Well, I typed like 4 pages here regarding what happens when comparing normal designs with meat and support designs in teamplay.

Let's say, I got a good grasp on the results.

There are several things to consider:

We have Normals that are 50%-50% designs.
And the Meat/Support are 75%-25%/25%-75% designs.

What I mean is that a meat has 75% body points here.
But only 25% weapon points.

The new system changes this to 93%-25%/25%-93%.
While the total cost remains 100%.

No other RPS mechanics should be included.


I compared the following:
NN vs old MM no cover; normals win.
NN vs old MM with cover; normals still win.
NN vs old MS no cover; normals win.
NN vs old MS with cover; they tie.
NN vs new MM no cover; normals win, but it cuts much closer.
NN vs new MS no cover; normals win, but it cuts some closer.
NN vs new MM with cover; normals win, but it cuts much closer.
NN vs new MS with cover; mix wins, with a landslide.


So, now I am considering allowing the cover mechanic allongside the new system.

But to a lesser extend:
- As an additional Action Point. Either +1 or we double the action cost.
- As an Event Card. Which would go well with the action that costs 7 AP.
- The target simply decides which units take the damage first. No line works.

There are already Event Cards that make an action cost 1 AP less.

This way, I make the game more engagable. More balanced. And probably easier to play.

However, I also need to say goodbye to several other Event Cards. Where you could hit the target in the centre, rear or both or all 3 lines.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Updated my excel file

Made 2 new colums that can calculate the weight of what either the body or weapon should be. When I put in a fixed number for either the weapon or body, alongside with a desired cost for the design.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Spreadsheet vs. TableTop Gaming in Reality!

X3M wrote:
Made 2 new columns that can calculate the weight of what either the body or weapon should be. When I put in a fixed number for either the weapon or body, alongside with a desired cost for the design.

So you need to put the Body AND Weapon and then it calculates the Weight???

That's pretty neat. But in the context of a Wargame ... Isn't it much easier to have a fixed, pre-determined values per unit?!

What I mean is that I GET a Mobile Game or RTS or something computerized. But when it comes to "Physical Games" including Wargames, it's usually better if the MATH is figured out and players just need to apply the RESULTS when battling it out on the battlefield.

Do you know what I mean???

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
It is only a tool

The new system is a spectrum. And thus easier to balance with other game mechanics. Having a sheet calculate things for me makes it easier to pre-balance, than calculating it all by hand.

If the calculation tells me to put 60 into body and 105 into the weapon. I know how much health, movement speed, damage and attack range I can apply. And the unit is always balanced due to the fact that I use a spectrum.

I tested this on my (prototype game) grenadier.
160 Cost (N= 7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5)
80 Strategy Points
1 Armor
5 Hp
3 Sp
4 Dmg
2 Dice; 4 Accuracy + 3 Accuracy

(((The prototype designs in regards of infantry, don't differ from the "once upon a time" public versions.
The die rolls might change a bit. And the Armor tiers above 1 will be less. For example, the armor tier 2 would be 3 and you need 3 hits with a rifle for 1 damage on a tier 2. In the prototype version, you deal roughly 5 damage with 3 hits, and remove this from 20 health. Which is from 20% up to 25%.)))

Result for this grenadier
It was 60 body and 100 weapon. That 5% more into the weapon made it 5% more usefull in 1 on 1 battles. Which was missing at first. I wanted to know what only 5% would do.
And I found out. It actually means a lot. It is 15% in the long run. If...there is no cover mechanic applied.

That is for one of the smallest of support types.
Want to know more about the other support types?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I understood in diagonal... (Which means I generally understood)

Maybe you can make an example of 5 Riflemen vs. 3 Tanks. And I can have a look at what is needed to perform a Combat Sequence???

That could go a LONG way in explaining. It's nice explaining a lot... But what I really want to see is HOW(?) you do combat. And my example is pretty much what I need to see if the game is feasible or not!

So Example: 5 Riflemen vs. 3 Tanks.

How does that work (Riflemen go first)?

That should really help me out to understand how it works in reality not only the "techno-babble" of whatever you do to make it work in reality.

I'll be better able to judge if this all makes sense or not with an example!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
C&C style example?

Not sure why you want an example like that?
The riflemen and tanks are kinda 50-50 designs in general.
No matter if it is the prototype or public version.
AND, they are kinda slow in combat against each other. So you need a lot of rounds before 1 side dies.

In regards of who goes first. This depends on the attack range.

Since high attack ranges can fire while the 2 squads physical approach each other. When both sides fight. The shortest attack ranges may go first. This is for balance reasons. But also tactical reasons in relations to the map layout.

Another way to look at the attack range turn order would be:
The 2 squads approach each other. The higher attack range can fire. Then they meet, and the shorter attack range can now fire. The higher attack range can fire just after (their reload). Something like that.


Ok, let's example the prototype. They are luckily very basic.
(I also see now I forgot to include the attack range, which is 1 for that Grenadier)

100 Cost
1 Armor
5 Hp
2 Sp
1 Dmg
1 Die; 5 Accuracy
2 Range

Light Combat Tank:
600 Cost
25 Armor
125 Hp
3 Sp
25 Dmg
1 Die; 5 Accuracy
3 Range


Remember, this is the prototype version. Where health is very big. And armor works as a "maximum damage" possible.
The public version doesn't even have this armor.

Basicly speaking. I can see how the 3 tanks are going to attack the riflemen and there is no escape.

The riflemen will try to approach the tanks. The movement speed and attack range of the tanks aren't good enough to do a constant hit and retreat tactic. So, they are good for 1 round of firing. Not going to include the actions, and keep it basic.

Round 1:

The 25 damage a tank can do is reduced to the maximum of 1 when used on an infantry unit.

3 Light Combat Tanks have 1 die each.
They are rolled for an accuracy of 5. Thus 5 or less remains a hit.
All 3 hit? The hand remains 3 dice.
Now we roll for damage, the dice will be normal damage dice.
So, we roll and remove any 5 or 6 that are rolled.
Let's say, we roll a 3, 4 and 5. The 5 is removed.

The remaining projectiles will deal 3 and 4 damage.
Now, the player has a choice here.
Either put the 3 and 4 damage on 2 riflemen. Or on the same rifleman.
For simplicity sake. The same rifleman takes 7 damage and dies.

4 Riflemen remain.

Round 2:
The riflemen are now close enough in order to fire as well.
Since they have a shorter attack range, they may go first.

4 dice. 1 die ended up being a 6.
3 dice remain.

We roll for damage, 2, 4 and 6 are rolled.
We have 2 and 4 damage. Well, 1 of the tanks goes down from 125 to 119 health.

Just remember, this is the prototype game where the units are far appart in terms of RPS. Normally you have 18 riflemen against the 3 tanks. Dealing an average of 25 damage

Either way, the tanks can still fire in this round. But I have given 2 firing examples now.

In this situation, the tanks win in roughly 6 rounds.
Taking a damage of roughly 25 in total in those 6 rounds.


In the public version. They would be:
5 Cost
1 Hp
2 Sp
1 Dmg
1 Die; 5 Accuracy
2 Range

Light Combat Tank:
12 Cost
4 Hp
3 Sp
4 Dmg
1 Die; 5 Accuracy
3 Range

And a die roll would be accuracy, then followed by a 2/6th roll for a hit.

So, the roll is 3 dice again.
5 or less is a hit.
The remaining dice are rolled.
2 or less are still a hit.

Same principal. But 3 tanks have a hard time hitting now.
3 * 5/6 * 1/3 = 15/18 average.
And the riflemen at most.
5 * 5/6 * 1/3 = 25/18 average.

But a combat tank would only be damaged here.

When designing support and meat units in the public game. I need to get them much further appart then a ratio of 2:3 in the body:weapon or something. in order to have a noticable rebalance effect.

In this situation, the tanks win in roughly 6 rounds.
Taking a damage of roughly 5 in total in those 6 rounds.
This time, if cover is not allowed. 1 tank will die.

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