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Cloth Playimg Surfaces

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Joined: 08/23/2013

I have recently found a source for a cloth playing surface to use in place of a "hard" or chipboard. It is a 4 color process and I am now awaiting a quote.

The game surface will be a minimum of 20" X 30"

I have used a couple in the past but the tech has improved.

My question is what are the opinions on this type of playsurface for a "board" game?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
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Ecarots wrote:
My question is what are the opinions on this type of playsurface for a "board" game?

I remember maybe a week ago, somebody had found a way to print a BOARD on a GIANT MOUSE PAD. I remember the designer saying he had *experience* with MtG (Magic) card boards and that his current source allowed him to print an ENTIRE board on a mouse pad type of material.

He said the bigger mouse pads (for Magic) were very resistant and easy to transport because they could be rolled up... Here is the link for that:

Now for just material... This is new. If you can put up your source, that would be beneficial for other BGDF members! :)

Joined: 08/23/2013
I will once I test out the

I will once I test out the results, I don't want to lead anyone to waste their time if it fails.

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