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Simple, easy to

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Meldrum's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008

Does anyone have any good ideas on how to add artwork to my board game easily? I have a smooth-running game, but in order to polish it off I need to improve it's looks. Any suggestions?

Bob Moyer
Joined: 06/12/2009

Believe it or not, the drawing tools that come with Microsoft PowerPoint are very powerful. You have a number of shapes to choose from, each one can contain text and be filled in or shaded any color in the rainbow. I've used PowerPoint to make card and tile sets. The results may not be 100% production quality, but you can get fairly close.

Joined: 10/07/2009
just try microsoft word...

for my games i am using good old microsoft word. for example check my card game elemental clash on my website to see what is possible with ms word. yes, it is not top design, yes, it is not very professional, but still functional, easy to make and not that bad looking.

Joined: 02/22/2009
2 cents

What is the theme? is it a board, cards or both? I have found that depending on theme you can take your own photos and use those. if you have a friend that is good at art i suggest that. if it is something that you are trying to get into production and making several prototypes try the local art school some times you can get art done for cheep. i personaly would put the whole thing together in illustrator if you have it otherwise i guess publisher would work and that should come with microsoft office. Hope this helps.

monkey man
monkey man's picture
Joined: 07/01/2009

I have two wonderful artist who can do a whole game
cards, board and box art for $300.00

It is a great investment for proffesional artwork.

Cheapest I have ever found

email me at if you need thier contact info.


Meldrum's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
More questions

Hey Bob and jilocasin,

How can I add background art to an already existing graphic like my game board ( without remaking the whole thing. If that won't work I am up for remaking the whole thing, but how can I start with a graphic background and draw lines on it? Import a background into paint? I am interested in how each of you would go about making my game board have a coloured background (with texture) and maybe some graphics. I haven't figured out how to transfer the powerpoint backgrounds to be the background of my graphic yet. If either of you can help me figure it out or anyone else, Thanks.

j0schm03's picture
Joined: 10/19/2009
I am a big supporter of

I am a big supporter of Photoshop myself. That's how all of our graphics work and even web design was made. You could easily create a new document place the image you want in your background on a layer beneath what you have, use the magic eraser to get rid of the white in the image you have now and your done.

As far as using word and powerpoint I don't ever use those for graphic work. Not enough flexibility in my opinion.

Do you have any experience using Photoshop?

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
I'm not sure what other

I'm not sure what other graphic programs you've got- I use GIMP primarily (which is basically photoshop but free).

in GIMP, you would open both images (the board, and the background) separately. then make them both the same size (Image > Scale Image, and make note of the measurements. then go to the other picture, Image > Scale Image, and change it's measurements to match).

then, on the board graphic, click Layer > Transparency > Color to Alpha > OK. this makes your whole picture somewhat see-through, with the white portions completely clear. then click Edit > Copy, and go to the background picture, and Edit > Paste it on top.

Joined: 08/12/2009
jilocasin wrote:for my games

jilocasin wrote:
for my games i am using good old microsoft word. for example check my card game elemental clash on my website to see what is possible with ms word. yes, it is not top design, yes, it is not very professional, but still functional, easy to make and not that bad looking.

Wow..that was done using MS word? Nice...I thought you used a graphics or card-making software.

Personally, I used Powerpoint, Excel and GIMP. The learning curve for GIMP is steep, if you have never touched graphics software before. I am learning it slowly.

Meldrum's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
GIMP it is

truekid games wrote:
I'm not sure what other graphic programs you've got- I use GIMP primarily (which is basically photoshop but free).

in GIMP, you would open both images (the board, and the background) separately. then make them both the same size (Image > Scale Image, and make note of the measurements. then go to the other picture, Image > Scale Image, and change it's measurements to match).

then, on the board graphic, click Layer > Transparency > Color to Alpha > OK. this makes your whole picture somewhat see-through, with the white portions completely clear. then click Edit > Copy, and go to the background picture, and Edit > Paste it on top.

Your explanation was exactly what I needed. I actually already have GIMP on my computer at home, but I have never explored it much. The process you described is exactly what I want to do. Take game board, make it transparent, and place it overtop of a graphic. Thanks. I will let you know how it works out when I am done.

Joined: 10/07/2008

One of the great things about GIMP is the sheer volumne of completely free brushes. Have a look on divientArt, or do a google search, and there are thousands to download. With these you can create some fantastic effects with little effort and I think they are a lot better than just sticking clipart together generally.

Meldrum's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
New version of The Market at Kos ready

Thanks for all of the artwork suggestions everyone,

In the end I used GIMP to do my artwork and found it to be very powerful. Check out the new version and compare it to the basic old version to see what you can do with a little bit of work.

Thanks again,

Check it out here: The Market at Kos

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