Best of success on your campaign, questccg! :)
Dual Dice - Multi-Purpose Designer dice Pre-Launch
I saw the image and spreadsheet (no video yet?).
I like the look of the dice. It is too bad that you only show the symmetric sides. It took me some time to figure out what you were doing, and only by studying the spreadsheet. I think some kind of explanation would be helpful.
If the image had shown some of the other sides that might also have helped a bit. It was confusing to only see sides with 2, 4, 6 dots on. Probably looks better than to include asymmetric sides, but there could have been a second image to show more sides?
The calculations A+B and A-B to get a d2 and a d3 was... clever, I think. But also a bit awkward. Just rolling a regular D6 seems easier than having to do the addition or subtraction of dots. An impressive little mathematical trick to get the number of dots to add up in those ways and still be a d6.
The one distribution that is not trivial on a regular d6 is the multiplication, so if some game could use that I guess the die would be useful, especially if the same game also needs one of the other distributions (otherwise it could just use a die with the sides pre-multiplied).
You mention Fudge/FATE, but not sure how to use it with those games? You need effectively sides that are -1, 0, and 1 (or 1d3-2) for that. What was the idea you had for that? Are the sides marked in some non-obvious ways to be + or -?
I also found the idea clever and innovative. It was elegant how you could make a d2 and a d3 by adding and subtracting the same sets of numbers.
Good luck with your kickstarter!
Now the cloud of mystery has dissipated. The idea you came up with (or discovered in your dream) is a really interesting one. Good luck with the campaign.
Have you considered including them in a game first? Even if the game only sells low numbers it would at least showcase the dice and maybe make people start think about other ways they can be used when you make them available as a separate product?
I'm thinking about Fudge/FATE dice that became popular, as I understand it, because of Fudge (that started out as a free RPG designed by members on some online forum and was not necessarily a big commercial success, but enough to make the dice well-known?).
After some thought, I think you should have a game (or two) to pitch for Kickstarter, and feature your dice as unique components.
I suspect (as in, I'm simply speculating here) that dice companies turned you down because there's no game that's ready to use your dice. They didn't want to manufacture a bunch of dice that will sit on their shelves because there's no game that uses them right now.
I suggest you develop a game that uses those dice exclusively (or maybe contact that other designer to develop one for/with you) before you try to launch a campaign for these again.

Awesome... It's going to be a matter of seeing how many Backers I can get in the 1st 48 hours (100 or more... TBD!) We'll have to wait and see... Every one Backer counts... Cheers!
P.S.: Nice to see that you're back around. Your voice and opinion counts over here on!