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Hello from a rookie game designer

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MountaintopGames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2017

Hi everyone!

I am an aspiring game designer located in Madison, WI. I have been a "gamer" of different sorts all my life and have started playing board games more frequently over the past year or so.

For the past few months, I have been delving into board game design and have spent the majority of my time on a concept based on thru-hiking.

Are there any other board game designers around Madison, WI on BGDF? I'd love to meet up to play and discuss games.

Nice to meet you all,

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

Hello and Welcome, Matt!

Thru-hiking is a fascinating topic, and although I've seen a couple videogames with the same or similar theme (more commonly with mountain climbing, actually), I've yet to see more thru-hiking games beyond the AT Challenge:

I am a bicyclist and I do my own long-distance, unsupported ride each year, and I've also been tinkering with a bicycling game along the same vein.

In any case, I'm wishing you the best of success with your game ideas, Matt! Have fun with the process. :)

MountaintopGames's picture
Joined: 01/31/2017
Thanks, let-off studios

Thank you for the welcome and feedback! I'll definitely have to check out the AT Challenge.

Good luck with your games - a bicycling theme would be very cool!

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