Would it be a big deal to move the Who's Online box to above the nav bar? This may sound counterintuitive, but the main nav bar would still be on the screen w/o scrolling, and you could quickly check to see who's online without scrolling down.
Not a big thing, but something I know I would like. If it's a huge pain then never mind.
Anyone have an opinion on that?
- Seth
Hmm. On my screen (I realise this may be different on other monitors or browsers) a couiple of links from the System group are off the page, but none of the community. But you're right, if the Members were moved up then something like Downloads down would be off the page.
What do you tink about movingthe top of the nav bar up and 'squashing' the logo cell... I tend to think that looks bad actually so it's probably a lousy idea.