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Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I was doing some looking around for some colored wooden scoring markers for my prototype and after wasting an hour searching on the internet - I stumbled upon a game that not only has wooden scoring markers in 6 colors - but matching pawns as well - Cloud 9.

A new copy of this game can be had for under $10 - which isn't that much more than trying to buy the wooden markers/pawns - if I could find them! Also, I just bought a game in the process!

Does anyone else swipe components from other games to use in prototypes? What games are inexpensive to buy and are chock full of good bits to use in prototypes?

Please add.....

clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

I bought the spiffy Wooden-case version of Risk from Target. $20, but on the useful side it supplied a sturdy wooden box and wooden pieces across 6 colours and 2 shapes (cubes and rods). On the mostly useless side it also provided 6 medium quality dice, region cards and a folding board.

Gogolski's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

When there's a flea-market (= +/- yardsale) near me, I always look for games, they are often badly damaged and/or incomplete and can be bought for peanuts...


Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

Hmm, not really inexpensive, but I have been using the bits from Arkham Horror, A Game Of Thrones and Mare Nostrum quite a bit. Lots of good wooden bits in sets, plus FFG always has lots of sturdy tokens.

Not really the best for cannibalising though, and there have been a few times when I have taken games somewhere else only to realise I have left bits behind...

Joined: 12/31/1969
Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

Not exactly what you meant, but...

I've found a few things at the local party store - where you pick up balloons, noisemakers, cake decorations, etc. Found a pack of plastic ninja in about 8 colors, each with a different weapon - WOOT! Also picked up a bag of plastic "gold" coins, pretty cheap. Also a pack of small plastic vehicles in different colors: ship, sailboat, small car, etc.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

I remember when I was a Kid, a had some bag with plastic miniatures in it. I had one bag of robots of different shapes and colors and I had also indians and Cow Bow. I also had another pack of miniatures where you could switch the weapons, pretty cool indeed.

Now that I am a game designer, I find these miniatures really cool. They are also pretty cheap for a game prototype, but I cannot find any store where I can buy some. It's like if it was not manufactured anymore.

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Inexpensive games to swipe components for prototypes

Just a reminder that unless you can find a *cheap* or used game to buy, you might also consider ordering replacement parts from companies like Hasbro. They usually have a replacement parts page on their site and you can get parts at lower than game cost. Though they can still be expensive!!

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