First off may I add I'm new to this website and these boards matter of fact this is my first post.
I came up with a boardgame idea this week and have been working in my head. I'm one of those people that I need to be working on the game in my head while working on the game in material obects. So I need help in prototyping really really cheap so i can be seeing the game come into play. I know it will be changed a great deal by the end so I need something that it doesn't matter because the stuff was so cheap. I'm going to be using 6 sided dice, Custom Cards, a flat board (paper like), and tokens. What is the best way to do this stuff cheap?
BTW if this sounds crazy I'm new to making a board game.
For tokens I suggest buying print or write round sticky labels from Avery and attaching them to tidally winks or bottle caps. For cards printable business cards unless you need the extra space. The board just mount some printed paper to a game board you don’t like (buy a game at good will) or mount it on to some mat board. if you cant find D6s then your beyond my help. One thing is the business card will not last that long if they are printed with inkjet and shuffled smudges will happen quite a bit. Welcome to the board and hope you invent many games.