Is it typical that I sent a brief description of our game and stated we have a small run of them which we self published ready that the company gets back to us with a Non Disclosure agreement and wants the prototype sent to them for evaluation???
Is this the typical conventional route?
I have taken another route for getting our games out there as was told that the way I am doing things is not the normal process but since it is working for us and our games that use our way. I am asking about taking the normal route as I was asked by a company for our game after I went our own route in the time I was waiting back for their reply. I would like to see how others do it or what the typical as conventional route others have done and had success with.
There is an older article here on bgdf, I think in Ask The Experts that describes the process. Basically the gist was that you should send a summary, then get paperwork to sign and after that send in a prototype. Sounds pretty strange to me, but apparently that's how it works.