Hi and thanks for reading,
I already have a PDF that I would like to publish. :) What's fine! But...
All the eMalls and PDF publishing services on the net provides usually only 2 ways to pay the royalties:
1. PayPal
2. Checks (drawn from bank)
I do have a PayPal account, but it is a limited one since I am from Hungary. The ten countries (incl. mine) newly joined to the EU unfortunatelly only got this from PayPal. This limited use means that I can upload funds from my credit card and use PayPal only to buy things. I cannot withdraw money from it, so I cannot have my royalties.
Why I write here to get know the other method, but what I suspect that the other one is still unuseable for me. It seems to work the way that you got a check by mail and you go to a bank and cash it. That's fine but I think it only works in the US and that's where I am unsure of. Are there international checks? All the big banks are present here Citybank, Hypovereinsbank, CIB, even I can check in American Express travellers or money order checks.
So does this check thing works cross-country? And if it does, how?
Does anybody have any experience with it? Self-publishers from the EU, or even better from new-EU countries or outside the EU countries?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks Rick!
Kagi is just fine, and I'll use them. I also found ShareIt, as a payment processor, online-shop solution and there are others like BMC Micro and so.
I am still interested if anybody has done this "cash in the check" thing
in Europe or even better in Eastern Europe.
I ask this because I would like to upload my stuff to sites where the customers are more focused, like rpgnow.com or lulu.com.
Where I could have a little bit more extra marketing since people are visiting those sites for PDFs.
Thanks again!
PS: Nice site! So you sell shareware? Great!
I love the shark on Solitaire till down! Great work, anybody has done it!