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How to represent types of rulers

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

I was thinking that your character which is ruling a civilization could have a choice between beign loved or beign feared by your population creating to 2 path or a single axis. But I was wondering if there could be other paths or a second axis that could determine the kind of ruler you are.

The type of ruler will influence many facets from diplomatic relationship, special bonus or abilities, etc.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
How about their "philosophy"?

Generally speaking you could have a "Militaristic" Leader, a "Scientific" one, a "Cultural" one or a "Diplomatic" one. I see this in a pair of AXIS:

Top-Bottom: Militaristic and Diplomatic

Left-Right: Scientific and Cultural

You can use a quadrant to represent each Leader's PERSONAL "philosophy".

That could allow you to create a BUNCH of different "Leaders" TBH. With a mix of these 2 axis ... There is a good bunch of them that you can create.

I think I saw this 2 axis IDEA in another game. But for the life of me, I cannot remember which. Anyhow even if this is a "recycled" idea ... I think it has HUGE "merits" for your personal project.

Here's a crude PNG sample of what I meant by the "Axis"! Just something to give you some IDEAS... Cheers!

Note #1: The sample would illustrate a Warfaring Cultural Leader... Who seeks to pillage treasures and artifacts from around the World. But he is also skilled in Diplomacy and can talk his way out of a "situation"... Something like that. lol

Note #2: Here is a 2nd sample in which the Leader is solely interested in Conquest and acquiring more territory. Societal Advancement (be it scientific or cultural) are not of any value to him.

Note #3: Here is a 3rd sample in which the Leader is solely interested in Societal Advancement (be it scientific or cultural) as opposed to the acquisition of more land/territory.

I'm sure you get the idea... I was just having fun with the shapes and stuff... lol

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Do your homework


There is for example, an axis already.
It has concern for people and concern for production.

Then I scrolled down. I say, take a beer or 2, maybe a crate. And start drinking and reading.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I also thought of looking for

I also thought of looking for leadership. It's close to what I am looking for but not exaclty on spot. Although I like the quote of machiavelli that states that it's better to be feared than loved if you cannot get both.

So my love/fear axis has some roots in history.

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