NOTE: This has nothing to do with pay to win mobile games.
I recently acquired and stated to study the following game.
Greater east asia co prosperity sphere
Its very surprising how few pieces the game have and still have a lot of depth. Now one of the problem is that because there is not that many dice roll, the luck of the game is not counter balanced by a large amount of rolls. The second problem is because there is not a lot of units, I cannot use the law of average (sum the unit str and divide by 6, then roll the remeinder) again to counter balance bad luck. So this is why I thought of using the pay to succeed mechanism.
The pay to succeed mechanism is generally used in adventuring game. I first designed it in a dungeon quest variant. The rule is simple, if you fail a roll you can either B) accept failure and get 1 experience B) spend the difference in experience to succeed. So if your TN was 3 or less and you roll 5, you can gain 1 exp and fail or spend 2 exp and succeed.
I thought that this mechanism could be used in war games as well. The biggest thematical difference is the scale of the game. Originally, in adventure games, the EXP is focused on a single character so it could make more sense that EXP acquired pays off later. On the other hand, a war game can cover a whole theater. Making it less likely that exp from failure on a battle front actually help another battle front to win. It could lead to "lose un-important battles" to harvest exp and spend it on important battles.
This is why I am not sure if this mechanics is thematically appropriate for war games. Ideas to reduce the exp harvesting effect could be:
- limit the amount of exp that can be acculated.
- the amount of exp spend per roll to avoid auto successes by spending a large amount of exp.
- I could force spending exp before rolling, leading to wasted exp spendings if good rolls occurs.
What do you think?
There is already a production mechanism. And it makes no sense that you gain money for failling in battle.
It's a fictionnal WW2 setting. So basically, only the type of equipement and units from WW2 is used.
You have just given me an idea.
It seems somebody else had the same idea while I was typing.
I wanted to use the do 3 actions per turn mechanism. Now those 3 actions could actually be the 3 generals of a players. And each general could acquire it's own EXP track. So a general with a lot of experience could be sent in a battlefield you really want to win mean while less experienced generals might be placed on less important battlefields.
I am not sure of the "how mobile" are the commanders are. In WW2, you could easily take flight to another area of the battlefield without any issue. So maybe on your turn, you place your generals where ever you want.
Choosing your general for an operation will be a kind of "bid" of how much EXP you expect to need for the operation. Instead of experience I could call it karma since it raises and drop constantly.