Greetings all,
I live in the Netherlands, a country known for it's struggle against water. This struggle develloped over the past centuries, and gained many interesting aspects. I've never found a game that implements this well though (Survive is the closest), so I recently started a new project at which I'd like some feedback.
The game is set on a blue board, made up of hexes. This board represents the water, and on this board different tiles are places, which represent the land areas. players build villages on these tiles, and try to protect the villages with dikes build on the edges of the tiles. Each turn, however, the water level rises...
I currently am in the very first stage of the game, and I'd like to find as many mechanics as possible for the movement of water and/or flooding of land. I would like to ask YOU to help me think of as many mechanics as you can, to help me get a wide vision of all the possibilities.
To help you get started, I'll put up an example:
The height of the water is represented by blue tokens, placed on the water hexes. Each turn, each player places a token on a hex adjacent to a village (tokens can be stacked). Then one token per hex is moved in the direction of the wind (shown by a compass on the board).
The token will only move if the level of the water is higher than the level of the adjacent hex. Land tiles have a level of 1. Each token on a water hex increases the level of that hex by 1. Dikes will improve the level of the land by 1 if it stands on the edge between the land and the water.
If a token is put on a land tile, that land is flooded. The tile and token are removed and villages on that tile are destroyed.
I'd very much like to hear comments or suggestions :)
Hi Orangebeard,
Different heights of land could be taken into account, but tokens would be a problem. Villages are already placed on the land tiles, and other tokens simply wouldnt fit. A solution would be different land tiles with different heights. For example: beaches (height 0), plains (height 1), hills (height 2) and mountains (height 3).
Water flowing to the lowest point is a great idea and easily done. For example, one water token is moved from each hex to the lowest adjacent area each turn. Ties are broken by the direction of the wind, giving it a lesser but still important imput.
I want the control of water levels be the most important part of the game, and the ideas you present might help achief that. Dams could work the same way as dikes, but building in water. As for the land heights, this might be changed by changing the kind of land tile to a better or worse one. For example, a Plains could either be changed to a hill or a beach.
The flooding is constant, although it lacks a elagant mechanic. I want players to really feel the pressure of the rising water, and I want sacrifices to be made. The amount of hexes is yet to be specified, but I dont want the board to be overwhelmingly full or large.
Thank you very much for your suggestions :)