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Champ Man 01/02

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Joined: 11/22/2009

Hi there, I am from the Uk and im a part of a Championship Manager 01/02 Series updating team on another website, In the past 5 years we have updated the game to 2009 and every team on there is correct to the teams that play today and also you can play from 2009/10 season and every history is correct also:

We done this by creating a patch for the game and is applied.

One thing that we havent been able to do is add new leagues to the game, we did have someone that added the conference North to the game, but he has left the forum now! Is there anyone here who can help us achieve today the following:

Change - Champions League/Uefa Cup Formats in the game.
Change - Add New Leagues such as Conference South to the Game.

This would be a dream for us if anyone can have such knowledge here to do this for us, and may even be a bonus price for the person who does this for us, we can provide you with our patch to the game, and the game can also be downloaded free from the internet now also....please message back to this post if you think you can help.

im on Msn for chats for anyone who wishes. Thankyou :)

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Joined: 07/26/2008
Unless you plan on making a

Unless you plan on making a Board, Card or Dice game you have inquired with the wrong people.

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