This is a card-based battling game for 2 or 3 players.
My goal was to capture the essential elements of TCGs like Pokemon, Magic, or Yu Gi Oh, but with stronger balancing and no pay-to-win aspect.
The PnP in the companion Journal entry includes the rule set and all 54 cards available in the game. Printed single-sided on US letter-sized paper, the cards should fit in standard sleeves. For the "tokens" I use 2x1 LEGO plates, and for the Health counters I use Pokemon damage dice (divide by ten).
The game is superhero-themed, and I do have plans for these characters in other media. If you happen to enjoy reading painfully early-draft screenplays, let me know :)
My two sons enjoy the game, and they pretty much forced me to come up with three-player rules so that we could all play at once. I hope that you enjoy playing it, too.
A PnP version is available at the Game Journal entry for anyone who'd like to take a look.
Edit: updated link to revised ruleset.
Thanks for taking a peek... is there something important happening tomorrow? ;)
In an ideal world, where the story for these characters gets told somehow, there would be expansion packs to keep the game in sync with the events of the story. Those would add to the single game from which everyone is drawing their cards, divorcing any unforeseen power creep through the seasons/releases from turning into a pay-to-win.
My intention for a "Season Two" expansion was to add a sense of multiple locations to the battlespace, probably built up out of Condition cards. You can play a new Condition on an existing one, or open up a new location by putting the Condition by itself. Attacks would happen at specific locations under the Conditions prevailing there.
Then Marvel Snap happened, and adding locations would suddenly seem derivative. Argh.