Which COLOR SCHEME do you prefer???
Some background, the color used on the BOX is the RED (#1). The color used on the GAME BOARDS is YELLOW (#2). The third color CYAN (#3) was just added because I knew it could look good.
Also you can click on the image and it will pop-up a new TAB with larger sized preview...
Note: Some additional background, one of these cardbacks will be used as the "Health Point" (HP) tracker so the various classes of Wizards in the game.
The reason I didn't want to go RED (#1) was because there is a card and class (Elementalist) which is RED. And so I was experimenting with other colors and came up with the YELLOW (#2) and CYAN (#3). Neither of those are used to represent the colors of a Wizard class...
The Wizard class colors are: Red, Green, Blue, Purple and Gray.
Anyone got impressions or feedback concerning the "color-scheme" in this set of "cardbacks"??? This is literally the BACK of the "Spell" Cards in the game... So the face of each of these cards should be some kind of magical Spell, component or item (depending on the Class of Wizards).