It's time for the first major change to the GDS.
Read up on the new, longer, format here
The gist is that the GDS will span a whole year - with the initial half using the old monthly GDS-like challenges to help you develop your game. The latter half of the year is devoted to creating and sharing the artifacts for your game to share - down to sell sheets for publishers.
In January, which is now, you'll get the overarching theme. Mull it over. In February and onwards, you'll get a monthly GDS for a mechanic that you may end up incorporating into your final game.
This year's GDS is aimed at the future of party games. As 'hobby' games gain popularity, that old standby of 'games for non-gamers' need a solid game design treatment. A popular recent addition to the mix using good game design technique is Codenames, staying accessible by using common words and simple gameplay.
Think you can do better? This year you will make a game for the masses - whether to introduce new players to the hobby, or just to let them have a good time using "good game design principles."
Discuss the challenge, and ask questions in the comments below!
It's a soft landing, with the first month being February instead - this is one fewer inspirational GDS's but won't catch anyone by surprise now that it's the last week of January.