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6A:JT - Anatomy of a Case Card

State Case Card - Playtest version

This is an altogether uninspiring playtest version of a Case card that the State player will play in a normal turn to generate Proof tokens for the pool, than can then be allocated to Juror tiles at the end of a trial day.

Here's what is here in the first iteration

1) Where the final fictionalized name of the Witness, Expert, or Evidence will go. "State Witness #1" works for playtesting, but he or she will have a proper name one day.

2) This is the resource value of the card. When the State is prompted to spend resources for some effect, this card can be spent rather than played for its own effects to meet that demand.

3) This is the identifier of the card type, underneath this will probably be one of a small set of Keywords that will enhance deck search, combos, and/or bonuses for strategic play.

4) A space reserved for a symbol that will provide another dimension of what the keyword does. Likely this will be a badge or medical symbol or something to denote an "authority" figure rather than just a normal citizen or object.

5) This is the base number of Proof tokens that are generated by playing this card. This will be mitigated by the Defense response card, or enhanced by "Aggressive Tactics".

6) This will (hopefully) be flavor text to carry the story and/or a nice little piece of flavor art.

7) This space will be for one of two Case Card special features. A Combo will offer enhanced Proof by using a specific card or card type already in the Record. A Bonus will be a situational effect that triggers by playing this card.

8) Aggressive Tactics: Every Case card (save Voir Dire) will have this section. After the card is played and the Defense responds, the State can opt to engage in Aggressive tactics. This is a push your luck mechanism that requires a d10 roll to succeed. Obviously, the Success text is good and the Failure text is worse than if you had not tried. In this case, the Performance of the Witness is tested - the State rolls a d10 and is successful if the roll is 5 or less. In that case, if the Defense had responded with an Objection (which if sustained prevents this card from entering into the Record), this effect negates it. If the roll fails, not only is the Objection still sustained, the Defense can pull out another card in the Record of equal or lesser resource value - oh no!!!

Defense Case cards are very similar to this, so next up will be what are the Response cards the Defense can use to mitigate this Case card?


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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut