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Vampires contre Vampires / Fangs


Vampires contre Vampires / Fangs was created in Fall 2011.

The general idea is a duel between 2 Vampires, attacking innocent victims (Preys) to suck blood from them. The first playet obtain 55 "Blood Points", gained by biting & capturing the Preys, is the winner.

The characteristics of the game are the following:
- Length: 20-30 mn
- Players: 2 (with a 3-player variant)
- Age: 8+
- Mechanics: double guessing (+ hand management)
- Theme: vampires (although the theme is not as much vampires as a parody of vampire cultural references).
- Similar to: Raj, Sultan...

So far, the game has been tested about 40 times, including 20 times in its current (and almost final) version, and is quite enjoyable.

I include the latest version of the rules in English and French.

What needs to be done:
- Some more testing to adjust every single Prey card
- Correcting the mistakes in the English version of the rules (thanks in advance!)
- Translating some of the names of the Prey cards (finding good play-on-words/humorous references is hard when it's not your native language!)
- Making a presentation video


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