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mistre's blog

Castle Raiders Update

I received my game back recently from my playtesters in Orlando. Turns out they only playtested it once, but I got some good feedback. Their biggest concern was wanting to have a community action deck instead of individual action decks. Not wanting to lose the individuality of the different characters - I came up with an alternative plan that will also help to increase the interactivity of the game and give players more choices - the "follow" card. Basically a player can play a "follow" card once per 3 raids and gets to take an action of another action played.

Starting off my new blog

Following is an update of my current state of game design (since we are on a new site now and I don't want to port over all of my content). Also, I changed my username to mistre from markmist for those wondering. Edit: Found a new avatar! I quite like it.

Castle Raiders - I have a potential blind playtest group lined up (A friend of mines buddies in Orlando, FL are going to try it). Edit: The game was shipped out 8-14-08 to Orlando! I can't wait to hear some feedback.

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by Dr. Radut