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Hidden Movement: What Makes it Cool?

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Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024
Great Ideas!

Some great ideas questccg! I'll have to test them out and see if I can get them to work. I'll post an update once I see what happens!


- Jacob

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I can think about STRATEGY a bit too...

Like if you have 16 Pieces, you would probably want to DIVIDE those forces into TWO (2) GROUPS:

  • One group is used to protect the Emperor (8 pieces);

  • The other group is used to attack your opponent (8 pieces).

Group #2 (the Attackers) will no doubt have the "Assassin" as part of their contingent and will probably CLASH with the opponent's "Attack Party"... Given the results of that attack... The surviving units will need to regroup and figure out HOW to attack the DEFENSE group of the opponent.

I'm not saying any one side will wipeout the opposing side... My guess is that there will be casualties on each side and the net result of a clash between both aggressors will short list how the remaining defensive units can be used to bolster either a SECOND (2nd) attack with attackers (and some support from the DEFENSIVE crew)... Or will they simply march forwards to the opposing Emperor's camp and try to kill the Emperor???

It is VERY interesting in how clashes may result in weaker and weaker defensive units all the while trying to PRESERVE the "Emperor" security while reflecting some sense of aggressivety to defeat the opponent.

I find the battles to be fascinating and the STRATEGY to be pretty INVOLVING!

This is by no means a "dumb" set of ideas... They translate into some pretty complicated gymnastics when it comes to combatting the opponent. The WAY to PLAY the game is in no way "trivial" ... It sets up some deep levels of commitment and configuration when building your two (2) camps...

And it's not because I put it together. While I merit some credit, your input @Jacob also helped to mould the OVERALL concept.

TBH ... It seems much cooler than I thought.

Someone would says: "How stupid is it to blend Chess + Stratego???" When the two (2) actually seem to create DEEP STRATEGY and a method of striking the opponent as each piece is conquered, setting the stage for a challenging outcome.

If you have time and WANT to playtest, please let me know your results. Because by my own "simple" analysis... This is a VERY heavyweight system for combat and it is LESS about the "Stratego"-side of matters and somehow MORE about the "Chess"-side which is very surprising.

To me it feels very COMPELLING and STRATEGIC. Again let me know if you find the time to playtest this iteration of the game and report back your findings. I'm sure everyone will be interested.

And just as an FYI, last month we got OVER 26,000+ UNIQUE visitors and they are NOT BOTs. So our viewership is much larger than just a few members here-and-there.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
TBH ... The COMBAT seem to be very promising!

Clearly there is GREAT potential for FUN battles and memorable moments playing. That is SUPER important because you want the players to remember the battles and PLAN for a re-play at another time. Replayability is super important for the surge of popularity of a game.

And I think you have the good elements (attractive artwork, solid mechanics, good theme, interesting gameplay) and there is a sort of CURIOSITY in what you've put together.

I (personally) think even if there are a few games about Ninjas, yours stands out as having more "Cohesion" (I know you haven't built a complete World...) but at the same time enough to suck the players into the game.

I can't wait to get my own copy of this game!

I'm hoping you put all the ideas to test and see what works and what doesn't.

To be continued... Hehehe!

Note #1: What is really compelling is that I can PICTURE the comic-book that matches the game:

There path ahead is filled with smoke and uncertainty and then out of the blue comes an Assassin (Ninja) to slay the Emperor...

I hope you can picture it ... Because that "Imagery" is pretty compelling...


Note #2: You can maybe make that the Box Cover! Like clouds in the background and a Ninja breaking through... with a sword horizontally. Could be neat... Just another idea for you to ponder.

Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024
Playtest on 4/25/24

I will be having a serious playtest day tomorrow. Will definitely try out some of your ideas and will let you know how it goes here. Again, appreciate all the ideas!

(Psst... If you are interested, I designed a discord server! For now, it is about the game.

You can find it here:

While there is not much on it as of this writing, I should be able to post some updates after tomorrow.)

Again, thanks!


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Please post your updates HERE too.

If you want to use a Discord Server for your game that is 100% fine by me. I have no say in that... It's your free rights to HOST information on whatever platform you want.

But... I want to re-iterate that as of December 2023, we've seen more and more Unique Visitors to the website. We went from under 16,000 Unique Visitors a Month to over 26,000+ Unique Visitors in each of the preceding three (3) Months.

This surge has continued since December 2023 until present day.

So if you want an AUDIENCE for your game... Post comments HERE ... In addition to your own Discord Server.

I don't make up the stats ... That's what they are. I've joined another Discord Server for another game ... And there is hardly any traffic and they managed to get over $30,000+ in Kickstarter funding. I guess there is nothing to talk about BEFORE the game is delivered to the Backers.

So don't be too upset if you don't get much TRAFFIC.

Let us know how playtesting goes!


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some additional thoughts

Jacob wrote:
I will be having a serious playtest day tomorrow. Will definitely try out some of your ideas and will let you know how it goes here. Again, appreciate all the ideas!...

One thing you want to TEST out or solidify is movement and spotting. Like the Mystic should NOT be able to SPOT. But he can KILL a Dragon IF that Dragon is on a revealed Hex. Why is this important???

Because if the Dragon is "in the clouds" he is PROTECTED by "Fog of War" (FoW).

And one of the KEY benefits of the Mystic is that he can RESTORE FoW to the tiles that he visits (And remember he has three Movement Points). This is VERY important for the Ninja as well as the Dragon. Because often times, you will want to PAIR these two (2) units such that they work in Tandem with the Mystic. And he can only be killed by a Guard.

So that's FOUR (4) Units/Pieces that form a cohesive bond to securing the a tighter group which can beat out opposing forces with the various TACTICS at disposal.

That FoW is important because it allows you to BUILD A WALL of FOG between you and the OPPONENT... And since the Ninja (I think it's better to call him the "Assassin") has three Movement Points too and can NAVIGATE FOG... He can be a threat from further away...

Remember you were saying something like: "How do you mitigate the units defending one HEX???" And then the situation of ONE (1) Unit/Piece in this case the "Emperor" still means that the "Assassin" can sneak through enemy lines and defenses to assassinate the "Emperor"...

To be real honest... That's WORTHY of playtesting. Formulating the right formation and trying to conquer your opponent and survive long enough to get within STRIKING distance (3 Tiles FoW or none).

Let me know what you get a chance to playtest and how it goes. If you manage to get everything cohesive, oh boy ... This is definitely one (1) game that I DEFINITELY will want a copy of. No matter how many people LIKE the idea or not. The KS world is filled with "Haters" so I know first hand, sometimes you don't get the "expected" crowd to your campaign.

Anyways please do SHARE with us your findings... And if you have issues or questions with some of the ideas (clarifications or better explanations) don't hesitate to ask. Feel free to comment whenever you like and also if there is something that's unresolved or unclear and needs more explaining, just ask for more information to clarify the situation (or question point).


Jacob's picture
Joined: 03/04/2024
Playtest on 5/24/24 Update

So, I have good news and I have okay news.

Good news is that we might have made progress by making two modes: A short mode where only one ninja has to make it to the other side & a long mode where all three ninjas have to make it.

Okay news is that while @questccg ideas were cool, it ended up playing differently than the original game. While it might be cool as another game, I believe that for now the game might remain about the same with some minor additions and edits.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the feedback!

I'll update you if anything major happens.

Enjoyed the ride!


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