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Game Ideas From Recent Latin American News

Oligarch: High Tide of Revolution (The game where everyone loses!)
The people's anger has coalesced in a strongman. The rhetoric is harsh, the 'justice' swift, merciless and arbitary. Status and wealth, your birthrights, are no longer secure. But despite the vitriol, the regime needs money and its official crave approval only you can give. Play your cards right to preserve your birthright through these dark times.


Hiya BGDF:

I’ve been lurking around the forum for a few weeks now and wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I grew up with RPGs and wargames but have almost entirely switched to Euro-style games out of admiration and lifestyle constraints. I’m a social scientist (poli sci/econ) by training and trade and hold games that incorporate social science mechanics in high esteem. The well tuned economic and trading engines in Catan, the supply and demand mechanic in Power Grid, the tradeoffs between collaborative and selfish goals in Republic and Rome, are all things of beauty.

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by Dr. Radut