A good implementation of the unexpected game-end. And with 2 fair warnings upfront. The pointcalculation I like. Not choose the highest value, but the value that occurs the most.
In most push-your-luck games you know where you are when option for another card/dice-role. Here you only know the number of dice, but have no clue if it is going to be a great role, or not. That is luck you cannot really push.
I see some ideas from other games that might work here:
- Players could throw 3 times with the dice, and put some dice aside.
- Have one of sides of the dice contain the 'bomb'. Players can decide when they want to make a sprint, but they loose every dice with a bomb on it. Once there are some number of boms thrown - by all players - this round ends.
#5 Die Race 2000
Rush 'N Crush gets regular play at my house; I'm generally in favor of any type of machinery that makes a lot of noise and travels at a high rate of speed.
(+) I love rolling big bunches of dice, and the possibility of suddenly vaporizing in a massive explosion appeals to my sense of the dramatic.
(-) I don't feel the racing theme is a good fit for the mechanical requirement, and because push-your-luck games are tactical instead of strategic the implementation of the required game ending feels weak. Scoring is needlessly complicated with the three-die multiplication. The game seems more suited to simultaneous play than to rounds of action. The theme is not strongly tied to the action, as the racing is abstracted; the author even states you can simply score with a pad and paper instead.
(*) I wanted to give this one a higher score, because I really like the theme and the basic mechanic. But for this particular challenge, I felt it was a mismatch.