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I settled on a name for my game.


the tile based DOTA style action that places player vs player vs player is really coming together. The pixelated artwork is looking pretty good and the layout of everything feels very intuitive. I'm planning on doing some more of the artowrk and straightening out the rules.

I'll put a full synopsis of this game on this blog later this week, I'm very excited and feel like i'm working a second job right now but it's all good.

I have an idea for a 2nd game already in mind, it came to me while playing Spelunky last night. It will involve players laying down cards trying to force the hero of the game to follow the path that will lead him to their endpoint. So there 's a bit of a gamble there in the beggining seeing as where to place your END token, The hero will avoid traps if there are other options available. I'm thinking of naming it Pixel Hell. not being an artist i do most of my games artowrk to look like super nintendo megal pixel, some of you will understand.

once again, I will post more info later on BitArena not Down to PixHell.

Stay Tuned

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blog | by Dr. Radut