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Mechanic of the Day, 11-4-08 Voting

Get out there and vote, fellow designers! The Mechanic should start back up shortly...

I motion that this Mechanic of the Day be about voting. Voting
encourages player interaction in hopes of each player convincing the
other players to vote their way. While not for every game (partly due
to voting needing at least 4 players usually), it can add a kick to
your game if used properly... and shouting matches.

-Victory Point Distribution. Players vote how victory points are
distributed. Mostly for party games (Nanofictionary), this would be an
interesting way to shake up scoring. With the caveat of not being able
to vote for yourself, it adds another level to cooper-tition. In a
senate game, players could be trying to pass specific laws and
legislation for themselves while working with everyone else. At the
end of the round, the points available are based on what passed the
floor; One player gets 5 points, one player gets 3 points, etc. as
listed on each law.

-Rule Change. Players vote on whether a change to the core rules of
the game is implemented. A staple of civ games, this allows the
players to alter how the game is played by democratic choice. However,
you may end up with a playerset that refuses to change the rules. To
mitigate that, have an effect if it passes OR fails (TI3). In a kids'
camp game where the players are camp councellers, the rules changes
could open up new parts of the board (new hiking trails) or make new
actions become available (new kayaks for kayaking).

-Special Ability Assignment. Players vote for who should get a special
action or ability. This one is especially good for causing cognitive
suffering. Super-shiny Ability is drawn that everyone wants but only
one player gets. How do you decide who gets it(aside from yourself)?
In a Swiss Family Robinson-style game, Abilities could include
rationing more food for yourself (The Food Rationer), access to
additional supplies (The Builder) and so on.

The motion has carried and has passed. I declare this Mechanic of the
Day complete. Ajourned.

Keep on designing, yo!



Slightly off topic

Hey, I don't really have anything to add on this mechanic, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this; I don't know how much it's helping others but this blog is probably the single most helpful thing I've found in inspiring my brain on the game I'm working on. Keep on writing, yo!

Your posts are the best

Hi I am new and I am always looking for more mechanics in games and for my computer games so please write more. Please, please, please....


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