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I hate Apple!!

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Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008

I was trying to download my remaining 10 free songs and for some reason they just all disappear on me tonight! I knew the expiration date was coming soon, but no warning and I was even in the middle of browsing music and my free songs just go bye-bye.

Ah well, just another reason to hate Apple!!!

I hate Apple!!

my dads ipod is screwed up and the computer won't recognize that its there, and he doesn't have a warranty since he got it for free.

Joined: 12/31/1969
I hate Apple!!

Apple rocks!

You are just bitter because Mac OS is 3 times more efficient then any Microsoft OS and WAY more stable.

Microsoft tried to give the Brazilian government free OS software for all of their computers and they said NO because it was "like a heroin dealer giving you your first hit for free". Quoted from the minister of education.

Lynux and Mac OS both blow Microsoft out of the water.


Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
I hate Apple!!

JLondonRocks wrote:
my dads ipod is screwed up and the computer won't recognize that its there, and he doesn't have a warranty since he got it for free.

If your Dad's iPod connects with Firewire, have your Dad disconnect every other Firewire device he has. Then reconnect the iPod and use the latest iPod Updater to reset the device. This fixed a "dead" iPod that I have. The reason for the problem isn't clear, but sometimes other devices using Firewire can either use up too much bandwidth, or suck too much power, even when "turned off." For me, it was an iSight camera that caused the conflict.

Joined: 08/26/2010
I hate Apple!!

You are just bitter because Mac OS is 3 times more efficient then any Microsoft OS and WAY more stable.

you know the old saying, the day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck.... it'll be a vacumm cleaner...... (drumroll please) Of course this from the guy (me btw) that uses MS products to do 95% of my design work) ^_^

Lynux and Mac OS both blow Microsoft out of the water.

C'mon Xan, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel..... =)

a very not serious bird,


Joined: 06/22/2010
I hate Apple!!

Wow this thread is off topic, even for the off topic forum :)

I bought an Apple powerbook about a year ago. I refuse to use windows XP, so I figured I'd be switching to Macs once win2k was end-of-life'd.

The powerbook has been one of the best computers I've ever had. There have been some problems, but nothing too major.

That being said, this has been an interesting month, win2k's EOL was just announced for this year, so by my original plan, I should be jumping fully to the Mac side now.

Sadly Apple announced its switch to Intel which changes things. I have not owned an Intel CPU since my 286 back in the 80's, and based on what Intel is up to now, I'm more sure than ever I still don't want an Intel. In fact, I'd rather run windows XP than buy an Intel CPU :).

Also, it sounds like the Intel Macs will be plain, ordinary windows PC's except that the Intel trusted computing scam will make sure only Mac PC's can run MacOS.

In other words, a Mac will use use hardware that's identical to a PC in every way except for a few bits in firmware, and the Mac will cost twice the price.

IMO, this is suicide for Apple.

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