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Suggestions for an added game mechanic to a game for an Intro to Game Design Class

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Joined: 11/03/2011
Game Board Prototype pieces

For my Intro to Game Design college class, I am part of a group that is making a board game. We are allowed to use this website for help. I have attached the manual to the game to this post so you can read it (Ignore the blacked out parts). One member of our group has come up with a game idea, however it seems to me to need another game mechanic to make it engaging, as right now it seems to me to be boring. Does anyone here have any suggestions? And if you have any questions on the rules, ask me and I'll try to answer them. There was also another rule about rooms that I have to add, but I can't add that until I get a response back from another group member.

JaffetC's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
this looks like a makeshift

this looks like a makeshift hybrid DnD board game.

similar to Legend of Dritz the board game. However, games like that take time to play since there is some Roleplaying that goes a long with it.

your game sounds like a RPG/ Board Game and I can see how it can get a bit boring at times. I enjoy RPG's but there is also a reason why i havent played games like Legend of Dritz or Castle Revenloft.

I think you should rethink what you want your players to do, then create an A - B scenario, and then start adding in the rest of the mechanics that will make the game function. So far I read the rules and it wasn't confusing as much as it went around in circles. I must figure out whether a tower has the princess, yet I must also fight each other player for some reason. Additionally I must fight monsters that are located randomly across the board...

hmm seem like you want the players to do a lot more than they might even be willing to do.

How about instead of having the players fight each other for the same of fighting each other, have them group together to take down monsters and find the princess... Then the game because Players vs. the Game. and the game will always be semi-random while the players will have the tools unnecessary to defeat the game.

Or, if you really want the players to fight each other, while achieving a goal, might I steer you to a game called Anime The Card Game. You can find information about it at

Joined: 11/25/2010
Are you in Professor Fay's class? If so, tell him hi!

I just glanced at your rules. As far as i can tell, the problem seems to be that there is little strategy--almost entirely luck-based (did you roll high enough to defeat a randomly selected number?). You need to add some elements where players make significant decisions that may improve their chances in one way or another. As a starter, maybe they know which monsters are where, so they can decide which direction to walk to face easy monsters first and hard ones later. Honestly, the rules are pretty thin (how do you go up in "levels" and what are "rewards?"), so I'm imagining there might be more going on in your thinking, but it's hard to say...

edgd00's picture
Joined: 01/05/2011
See if this works...

I agree that the decision making is pretty light. What if you assign "types" to each monster? Each player can go around trying to pick up magic weapons and armors that will give them strengths and/or weaknesses to the different monster types. They can also fight the other characters to take the items they need so that they can defeat some problematic monsters. Or players can team up to defeat certain monsters. (Think boss monsters.)

If you'd like to explore this route, I have something that could possibly be modified to fit your theme:

See if there is anything there that will help you.

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