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Amazon fulfillment services

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talmorgoth's picture
Joined: 02/03/2011

Has anyone used Amazon Fulfillment services? They have an option for order placed through other channels. I'm wondering if that would work for me since I'm publishing through and they don't have a way for me to just submit addresses for them to ship to. At 3.41 a copy it is pricey but the alternative is having everything shipped to my home and then I box and ship to each individual (ugh). Thoughts or suggestions?

Joined: 11/06/2013
What are publishing and how

What are publishing and how many addresses are we talking about?

talmorgoth's picture
Joined: 02/03/2011

My game is a printed book about 250 pages. As for the number of addresses, I don't know at this point. I'm working on my kickstarter and I'm trying to figure out the logistics. If by some stretch of the imagination I end up with 1200 sales I need to be able to distribute them.

BENagy's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013
Upfront, I have not used AFS.

Upfront, I have not used AFS. I have done lots of research on them, though, and came to the following conclusion:

If I'm talking about maybe 1,000 copies of my game, and they're all domestic, not a problem; I'll do them myself. A lot of work? Definitely. But probably worth it. If I'm doing more than that, or a lot of them are international sales, then Amazon is probably the way to go.

One last thought, the game I did the due diligence on was a small deck-building game with only about 100 or so cards, and the shipping (non-bulk price) was about the same as the AFS price. And so, in bulk, I'd be saving cash doing it myself. However, your book, at 250pp (and I presume full 8.5x11 paper size?) will definitely cost much more. There are cheaper ways to ship books via Media Mail here in the US, but my guess is it would still cost more than 3.41 from Amazon.

Joined: 11/06/2013
talmorgoth wrote:My game is a

talmorgoth wrote:
My game is a printed book about 250 pages. As for the number of addresses, I don't know at this point. I'm working on my kickstarter and I'm trying to figure out the logistics. If by some stretch of the imagination I end up with 1200 sales I need to be able to distribute them.
Have you contacted Lulu about it? They're not advertising it, but that doesn't mean they can't help. Chances are someone tried before. If they won't tell, someone on the Lulu forums probably has an idea. Anyway, keep me in the loop, because a book as a game sounds fun.

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