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Whose reviews do you respect the most?

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InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

Hi All,

My first published game (The Isle of Doctor Necreaux) debuted at GenCon this month. I wrote to AEG (the publisher) to request my comp. copies. In my request, I mentioned that I'm eager to send a few to reviewers. My AEG contact advised me to send a list of reviewers to him and he'd take care of it.

I only had four reviewers in mind: Tom Vasel (The Dice Tower), Shannon Appelcline (, Yehuda Berlinger (Purple Pawn) and Demian Katz (Occasional contributor to Ogre Cave – I owe Demian for his support of Invisible City in prior years).

I don't really know who the "big reviewers" are at BGG (if there are any), and I don't know if I'm missing anything obvious. So, I'd like to know if any of you have favorite reviewers that you read, respect, and can recommend.

I'll use whatever useful responses I get by August 22, but don't let that stop you from posting afterward. After all, it could be a valuable resource in the future...

Thanks in advance,


truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
whose do i respect, or whose

whose do i respect, or whose do i think it benefits you the most to send to? (because those are very different things)

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008
BGN is one I would send to for sure.

I don't know - Applecline might be a doubler there, but Eric Martin is the site's owner. I think he is kinder than some reviewers I have seen. I've met Dale Yu (a columnist/reviewer at BGN and an admin at BGG) and he will review a bit more to his tastes and preferences.

Scott Nicholson (Board Games with Scott) is the other name I'd add in because he may do you some video as well. I think getting video out there REALLY helps sales if it is a good product.

If it is more Ameri- than Euro-, I'd send one to Matt Thrower at Fortress: Ameritrash (and occasionally at BGN).

Wish I knew the European reviewers.... that would be great information! Anyone?

SiddGames's picture
Joined: 08/02/2008
Matt Drake

I've actually become partial to Matt Drake's reviews:

As the subtitle on his site notes, his reviews are crass and frequently contain bathroom humor, but I think quite a few people read him. Although he seems to be a hardcore Ameritrasher, if you look at his reviews of more Euro-type games, you'll see that he actually likes good strategic games, even if he makes fun of the pasted on theme at the same time. Doc Necreaux seems like a good fit for him.

BTW, he's also the owner of VixenTor games, I believe - he makes terrific dice towers and other gaming accessories, if you've ever seen them at a convention.

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
Both or either?

truekid games wrote:
whose do i respect, or whose do i think it benefits you the most to send to? (because those are very different things)
I'm more interested in who you respect.

(But I'll take "beneficial" tips too. (*grin*))

Joined: 08/06/2008
I know it's not what you want

I know it's not what you want to hear but:

I respect the reviewers that DON'T get free copies of games.

All the ones you mentioned I just read for the rules regurgitation and ignore their opinion.

Even Matt Drake, nice guy he is, has admitted to writing reviews just to get free games.

Not saying you shouldn't send them, just saying I won't respect them.

Scott Nichols is a good bet too. His big on Rules regurgitation in video form which always helps.

Darkehorse's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

This thinking seems kind of flawed to me. Have you never heard a "negative" review of a game that was a free review copy? Plus, it's a lot of work to review games, so it's not really free. Also for every one good game, there are at least twice as many bad ones, since time is money, you can see how costly this really is. I know Tom Vasel gets a lot of review copies of games he would never ever purchase with his own money, but he reviews them anyway. He is always kind, but always honest. I think you'll find that with most of the reviewers who get review copies. The moment he stops being honest, that's the moment his credibility goes down, and in turn, he'll be less likely to get review copies.

Just my $.02 on the matter, not meaning to hijack the thread.


InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
My point exactly...

Darkehorse wrote:
Tom Vasel gets a lot of review copies of games he would never ever purchase with his own money, but he reviews them anyway. He is always kind, but always honest. I think you'll find that with most of the reviewers who get review copies. The moment he stops being honest, that's the moment his credibility goes down, and in turn, he'll be less likely to get review copies.
This cuts to the core of what I'm asking.

I'm not trying to find reviewers who "whitewash" every product they review. That's not useful to the gaming public (or to me or my game). I'm looking for reviewers who provide fair, honest, and thorough reviews.

I don't expect that anyone on this forum would recommend a "regurgi-viewer". Instead, I expect that they'd recommend ones who provide thoughtful, quality reviews. That's why I asked here.

RTaylor's picture
Joined: 04/08/2009
I look for...

What I have looked for in reviewers when researching a game is someone who is honest, but also who seems to have fairly broad tastes. Because people are so different, someone with admitted narrow tastes is likely to dismiss a game I might enjoy, but I do also appreciate honesty.

This to me is why Tom Vasel is my favourite reviewer, as while he tries to remain positive, he will say if he didn't like a game. Also, it's fairly obvious which games really shine for him, and he is really looking for fun in a game, not perfect elegance or some other abstract ideal. And that's why I game- I want to have fun with friends or family, so for me (and many gamers, I suspect), reviews like that are just what we're seeking.

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